Museums and Exhibitions

Martin von Wagner Museum

Look at painting from the 15th to 19th centuries or antiquities and works of art from around the Mediterranean in the Martin von Wagner Museum.


Mineralogical Museum

Anyone interested in valuable and rare minerals should not miss out on the university‘s Mineralogical Museum.

Center for History of Psychology

You are interested in learning more about the history of psychology? Visit the Center for History of Psychology with its numerous collections and exhibitions.

Botanical Garden

Founded more than 320 years ago and now one of the Central Institutions of the University of Würzburg, the Botanical Garden is primarily used for teaching and research-related activities.

Röntgenring Science Mile

At Würzburg‘s Röntgenring, which extends from the River Main past Central Station, no fewer than 10 out of the 14 Nobel Laureates of the University of Würzburg researched and taught along the 200-meter stretch between the former Physical Institute and the Old Chemistry Building.

Exhibitions of the University Archive

At regular intervals, the university archive shows exhibitions on 600 years of university history in war and revolution, economic miracle and growth. Selected exhibitions can be found online.


Collections of the University

From ants, evidence reserves and Aegyptiaca: discover the more than 30 university collections in Würzburg!


INSIGHT brings together the previously unrelated art and humanities collections of the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg under a common research question

Competence Center University Collections

The Competence Center University Collections Würzburg (KUW) is committed to the long-term preservation, maintenance and promotion of the collections of the traditional Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg.