Deutsch Intern

Teaching Staff Mobility (STA)

Teaching mobility for educational purposes

What is Mobility for Educational Purposes?

Through their stay at a partner university, educators enhance the European dimension of the host institution and complement its teaching offerings. At the same time, they share their expertise with students who may not wish to study abroad or cannot do so. Ideally, this should involve the development of joint study programs as well as the acquisition of new and innovative teaching and learning methods. Upon returning to their home university, educators can incorporate new ideas into their teaching and advocate for mobility programs.

Important Considerations

As part of the ERASMUS program of the European Union, the Service Centre for International Affairs promotes teaching stays (Teaching Staff Mobility - STA) in the respective program year. For this purpose, it applies for funding for the entire university through the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). The amount of allocated funding is primarily based on the number of mobilities from previous years. Funding is available for teaching stays ranging from two days to up to two months. This is based on an existing ERASMUS contract with an agreed STA and sufficient available funds. Funding is provided as long as all minimum requirements are met.


  • University staff of the University of Würzburg
  • Existing ERASMUS contract with an STA agreement
  • Approval from the supervisor and, if not managing your own ERASMUS contract, also the authorization from the program coordinator of the existing agreement
  • At least 8 teaching hours over a minimum of 2 days (the number of hours increases with each additional week)
  • Creation of a teaching program in coordination with the host university
  • Citizenship of a country participating in the ERASMUS program, or recognized as refugees, stateless persons, or long-term residents in the country of residence
  • Repeat funding is possible

According to EU/DAAD guidelines, priority should be given to those mobilities that lead to the development of new teaching materials, strengthen or expand connections between both institutions, and prepare future cooperation projects to promote student mobility.

If you plan to organize ERASMUS short-term teaching assignments, please provide us with the following information as early as possible, ideally at least one month before the planned mobility:

  • Name of the lecturer
  • Host university
  • (Expected) duration of the mobility

The European Commission and the DAAD strive to continuously improve the ERASMUS+ program, which may lead to changes during the current program period. You are welcome to receive comprehensive and up-to-date advice in a personal consultation.