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International Networks

The University of Würzburg works together with several international networks. The most important networks are listed below:

In 2022 Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) joined CHARM-EU, a European University Alliance co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. CHARM-EU represents a challenge-driven, accessible, research-based and mobile European University aligned with the sustainable development goals (SDGs). CHARM-EU's aim is to design and create a new university model to increase the quality, international competitiveness and attractiveness of the European Higher Education landscape. The alliance works together to increase and innovate student and staff mobility and the quality of higher education.

The CHARM-EU partner universities are the University of Barcelona (coordinator) in Spain, Trinity College Dublin in Ireland, Utrecht University in the Netherlands, the University of Montpellier in France, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest in Hungary, Åbo Akademi University in Finland, Hochschule Ruhr West and JMU in Germany, and the University of Bergen in Norway.

Together the CHARM-EU partners work towards their common goals on the path towards a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Official Website of CHARM-EU

The Coimbra-Group is an association of renowned universities with long-standing, academic traditions in Europe. Coimbra-Group membership is exclusive to top universities including Edinburgh in Great Britain, Uppsala, Bergen and Aarhus in Scandinavia, Geneva, Louvain-la-Neuve, Montpellier, and Poitiers in the French-speaking regions, Trinity College Dublin, Universitat de Barcelona, Groningen and many others. The Coimbra Group is an association of long-established European multidisciplinary universities of high international standard. The Coimbra Group is committed to creating special academic and cultural ties in order to promote, for the benefit of its members, internationalization, academic collaboration, excellence in learning and research, and service to society. It is also the purpose of the Group to influence European educational policy and to develop best practice through mutual exchange of experience.

The University of Würzburg is an active member of the Coimbra Group

Member Universities of the Coimbra Group

Official Website of the Coimbra Group

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the largest funding organization for the international exchange of students and researchers worldwide. Since the founding of the DAAD in 1925, it has supported over 1.5 million academics in Germany and abroad. It is considered to be the association of German universities and student bodies. The University of Würzburg is a member of the DAAD network.

EUA Website

The University of Würzburg is a member of the consortium for International University Marketing, GATE Germany.  Membership in GATE allows University departments with internationally-oriented academic programs and the aim of student recruitment to take part in publications and international fairs at economical prices.

The International Offices of the Bavarian universities meet twice yearly to exchange ideas and discuss various topics and challenges surrounding international education. Together, the universities promote studying in Bavaria at international fairs. 

The signing universities of the Magna Charta Observatory (MCO) of Fundamental University Values and Rights are dedicated to the freedom of research and education. MCO is based at the University of Bologna. The member universities focus on hiqh quality of teaching and training and the integrity of intellectual and scientific work. Together with over 700 other universities from all over the world, the University of Wuerzburg is working towards the aims of the Magna Charta. Magna Charta Universitatum also offers participation in (research) projects, conferences.

The Trans-Atlantic Science Student Exchange Program (TASSEP) is a consortium of research-oriented top universities in the European Union, the USA and Canada. The exchange is aimed at students of the natural sciences and is based on the quality assurance standards of the Erasmus+ programme. TASSEP website

The Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art has set up its own competence centers to promote cooperation and exchange with 
individual regions with which the Free State traditionally maintains close contact and which are of great interest among students and 
scientists. As service centers for all state universities in Bavaria, they support international contacts in research and teaching as well 
as student and academic exchange.

The university centers are located at various universities in Bavaria, work independently of one another and have developed different 
focuses in their areas of responsibility depending on the target region.


BayCHINA - Bavarian Competence Center for China

BayHOST - Bavarian Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

BayIND - Bavarian-Indian Centrre for Business and University Cooperation

BayLAT - Centro Universitario de Baviera para América Latina

BayFrance - Centre de Coopération Universitaire Franco-Bavarois

BaCaTeC - Bavaria California Technology Center