Deutsch Intern

    Application, Forms & Downloads

    Important Information and Forms for Your Stay Abroad

    Here you will find the application information and forms for an exchange program in the Worldwide Mobility and Erasmus offices. It is possible to submit an application for more than one program. This will increase your chances of getting an exchange spot.The following programs are available:

    Your faculty may also have faculty-specific exchange programs that are coordinated outside of our offices. Please contact your faculty directly to get information on the application process for those programs.

    Our Exchange Programs

    • Partnership Programs in Europe: Caen, Salamanca, Lucerne
    • International Partnership Programs: Asia, USA, Latin America

    You may apply to several of our programs simultaneously, which can increase your chances of securing a study placement abroad. Please indicate this accordingly in the online application form and carefully consider your choices.

    Important Note: If your field of study offers an exchange with the universities listed here, please apply for an exchange place through your department. If you are not able to secure a place through your department, we can check if remaining spots are available through our agreements. In this case, please contact us.

    Application Period

    For stays during the winter semester 2025/26 and/or summer semester 2026, the application form for partnership programs—listed in our online application portal—will be available from 15.11.2024  until 15.01.2025. Registration in the portal is possible at any time, but applications can only be submitted during the open period.

    Application Documents

    • Curriculum Vitae (in English)
    • Motivation Letter (in English)
    • Reference Letter – Please use only our template. Our guidelines for the reference letter address initial questions and provide guidance for both you and your referee.
    • Transcript of Records (English version from WueStudy)
    • Language Certificate (must be at least 2 years old) – Please refer to our guidelines for language certificates.
    • For Master's Students: Bachelor’s degree certificate (mandatory)

    Helpful Documents

    Online Application via Our Portal

    • Central Application Form for all departments
    • Application Form for the International Office exchange programs under Section 1.2 European Educational Programs (Erasmus)

    Applications are accepted from November 15, 2024, to January 15, 2025, at 11:59 PM.
    Exception: Early application deadline for Economics: December 20, 2024.

    Please submit your application only through your student email address provided by Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. Using a different email may cause technical issues.

    Application Documents

    • Curriculum Vitae (in English)
    • Motivation Letter (in English)
    • Reference Letter – Please use only our template. Our guidelines for the reference letter address initial questions and help both you and your referee.
    • Transcript of Records (English version from WueStudy)
    • Language Certificate (must be at least 2 years old) – Please follow our guidelines for language certificates.
    • If applicable: Bachelor’s Degree Certificate

    We highly recommend consulting your departmental coordinators ("FK") before applying.

    Submit your application for an Erasmus exchange place directly to the Erasmus departmental coordinator ("FK")  responsible for your study program. The requirements, deadlines, and necessary documents vary by department, so please contact your departmental coordinator early to inquire.


    Forms and Guidelines for the Erasmus Program Year 2024/25 (for already selected students):

    The declarations of honor for Green Travel, travel days, and special grants will be sent to you individually via email prior to your mobility.

    Information Sheet for Green Travel/ Infoblatt für grünes Reisen

    Information Sheet for Additional Funding for Students with Fewer Opportunities/Infoblatt für die Zusatzförderung für Studierende mit geringeren Chancen


    Forms and Guidelines for the Erasmus Program Year 2023/24 (for already selected students)

    Information Sheet for Green Travel/Infoblatt für grünes Reisen

    Information Sheet for Additional Funding for Students with Fewer Opportunities/ Infoblatt für die Zusatzförderung für Studierende mit geringeren Chance

    Guide for Creating a Digital Learning Agreement 2023/24/
    Leitfaden für die Erstellung eines digitalen Learning Agreements_2023/24

    Overview of Responsibilities for Learning Agreements/
    Übersicht_Zuständikeiten_Learning Agreements

    Application for Short-term Extension of the Erasmus Stay/
    Antrag auf kurrzeitige Verlängerung des Erasmus Aufenthalt

    Guide to Online Language Support (OLS)/
    Anleitung zum Online Language Support (OLS)

    Arrival and Stay Confirmation 2023/24/
    Ankunfts- und Aufenthaltsbestätigung 2023/24


    Forms for the Erasmus Program Year 2022/23 (for already selected students):

    Forms for the Erasmus Program Year 2021/22

    Please note that your completed and signed acceptance declaration must be uploaded into the application form. Therefore, please do not send it to us via email or post. Without your uploaded acceptance declaration, the registration in the online application form "Application Form Erasmus Study (SMS)" cannot be completed, submitted, and recorded in the database.


    Please note that the forms are only valid with an entry in MoveON .
    Additionally, please send us your enrollment certificates for your entire internship period as soon as they are available. Enrollment certificates for upcoming semesters must be submitted later.

    Please send your documents for the Erasmus internship (application documents, if applicable, Learning Agreement during the Mobility, final documents) to

    Forms for the Erasmus Program Year 2023/24:Acceptance Declaration

    You are welcome to use our  Checklist as a guide for your application.

    Want to see all of the exchange opportunities at the University of Würzburg? Check out our  Find Your Adventure - Study Abroad database where university-wide partnships, ERASMUS partnerships, and faculty partnerships are listed. You can even search by major or region!

    Moveon-Form This form should only be used by freemovers (exchanges to non-partner universities), faculty programs that are not coordinated by the Worldwide Mobility or Erasmus Offices, and any other programs that do not correspond with our online application form.