Deutsch Intern

Requesting a Preliminary Review (VPD) from uni-assist

Uni-assist is an external partner who processes applications for admission from international applicants for the University of Würzburg. Please find out whether you  will need to submit a preliminary review documentation (Vorprüfungsdokumentation, VPD) to the University of Würzburg along with your application for admission. Remember that you will have to request the VPD from uni-assist BEFORE you submit your application for admission to the University of Würzburg. 

Please request your VPD from uni-assist as early as possible and at least 6 weeks before the end of the application deadline at the JMU. You will have to upload it to the WueStudy portal when you apply for admission or, respectively, will have to send it to the University of Würzburg along with your other application documents.

You can request a VPD from uni-assist at any time during the year, it is valid for one year!

Who needs a VPD via uni-assist?

  • All applicants for admission to Bachelor’s, state examination programmes or undergraduate module studies who did NOT obtain their higher education entrance qualification in the German school system in Germany or at a school that applies the German Abitur examination regulations. This also applies to applicants for admission to higher subject semesters. Exception: EU/EEA-nationals who are applying for admission to a programme in medicine, pharmacy or dentistry through
  • Applicants for admission to a Master’s programme or Module Studies at Master's level who completed their previous degree (e.g. Bachelor’s degree) in a country other than Germany will have to request a VPD from uni-assist in some cases (see tables below).
  • Applicants holding an International Baccalaureate Diploma who do not have a letter of recognition of foreign qualifications (Anerkennungsbescheid) from the office for the recognition of non-Bavarian certificates and diplomas (Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle).
  • Applicants who went to a Studienkolleg college and want to apply for admission to a Bachelor’s or state examination programme.
  • Applicants who wish to be assigned to the Munich Studienkolleg college.


University degree from an EU and EEA country University degree from a non-EU/EEA country

Ägyptologie (Egyptology)

no VPD required no VPD required

Allgemeine und Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft (General and Applied Linguistics)

no VPD required no VPD required

Altorientalische Sprachen und Kulturen (Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Cultures)

no VPD required no VPD required

Angewandte Humangeographie (Applied Human Geography)

no VPD required no VPD required

Applied Earth Observation an Geoanalysis - EAGLE

no VPD required no VPD required

Artificial Intelligence

no VPD required VPD required

Artificial Intelligence & Extended Reality

no VPD required VPD required

Bildungswissenschaft (Educational Sciences)

VPD will be requested from candidates who are eligible for the programme. VPD will be requested from candidates who are eligible for the programme.


no VPD required VPD might be necessary in some cases

Biofabrikation (Biofabrication)

VPD required VPD required

Biomedizin (Biomedicine)

VPD required VPD required

Biowissenschaften (Biosciences)

no VPD required no VPD required

Chemie (Chemistry)

no VPD required VPD required

China Business and Economics

no VPD required no VPD required

China Language and Economy

no VPD required no VPD required

Chinese Politics and Society

no VPD required no VPD required

Chinese Studies

no VPD required no VPD required

Computational Mathematics

no VPD required VPD required

Cultural Landscapes

no VPD required no VPD required

Digital Humanities

no VPD required no VPD required

Diversitätsmanagement, Religion und Bildung (Diversity Management, Religion and Education)

no VPD required no VPD required

English Speaking Cultures

no VPD required no VPD required

Ethnomusikologie (Ethnomusicology)

no VPD required no VPD required

Europäische Ethnologie/ Empirische Kulturwissenschaft (European Ethnology/Empiric Cultural Science)

no VPD required no VPD required

Exercise Science & Training

VPD required VPD required

FOKUS Life Sciences

no VPD required no VPD required

Französisch (French)

no VPD required no VPD required

Funktionswerkstoffe (Functional Materials)

no VPD required VPD required

Germanistik (German Language and Literature)

no VPD required no VPD required

Germanistik als Fremdsprachenphilologie (German Language and Literature for Foreign Learners)

no VPD required no VPD required

Geschichte (History)

no VPD required no VPD required

Griechische Philologie (Greek Philology)

no VPD required no VPD required


no VPD required VPD required

Indologie/ Südasienkunde (Indology/ South Asian Studies)

no VPD required no VPD required

Informatik (Computer Science)

no VPD required VPD required

Information Systems

no VPD required VPD required

International Economic Policy

no VPD required VPD required

Italienisch (Italian)

no VPD required no VPD required

Klassische Archäologie (Classical Archaeology)

no VPD required no VPD required

Kunstgeschichte (Art History)

no VPD required no VPD required

Lateinische Philologie (Latin Philology)

no VPD required no VPD required

Lebensmittelchemie (Food Chemistry)

no VPD required VPD required

LL.M. Digitalization and Law

no VPD required no VPD required

LL.M. Europäisches Recht (LL.M. European Law)

VPD required VPD required

LL.M. für im Ausland graduierte Juristen (LL.M. for lawyers with foreign law degrees)

no VPD required no VPD required

Luft- und Raumfahrtinformatik (Aerospace Informatics)

no VPD required VPD required


no VPD required VPD required
Management International no VPD required VPD required

Mathematik (Mathematics)

no VPD required VPD required

Mathematics International

no VPD required VPD required

Mathematische Physik (Mathematical Physics)

no VPD required VPD required

Media Entertaiment

no VPD required VPD required

MINT-Lehramt PLUS (MINT Teacher Education PLUS)

no VPD required VPD required

Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit (Medieval and Early Modern Studies)

no VPD required no VPD required

Museumswissenschaft (Museum Studies)

no VPD required no VPD required

Museum und alte Kulturen (Museum and Ancient Cultures)

no VPD required no VPD required

Musikpädagogik (Science of Music Education)

no VPD required no VPD required

Musikwissenschaft (Musicology)

no VPD required no VPD required

Neuere Literaturen (Modern Literatures)

no VPD required no VPD required

Philosophie (Philosophy)

no VPD required no VPD required

Physik (Physics)

no VPD required no VPD required

Physics International

no VPD required no VPD required

Political and Social Sciences

no VPD required no VPD required

Psychologie (Psychology)

VPD required VPD required

Psychologie: Klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Klinische Neurowissenschaft (Psychology: Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Clinical Neuroscience)

no VPD required no VPD required


Psychologie digitaler Medien (Psychology of Digital Media)

VPD required VPD required


Quantentechnologie (Quantum Technology)

no VPD required no VPD required

Quantum Engineering

no VPD required no VPD required

Romanistik Französisch/ Italienisch (Romance Studies French/Italian)

no VPD required no VPD required

Romanistik Französisch/ Spanisch (Romance Studies French/Spanish)

no VPD required no VPD required

Romanistik Italienisch/ Spanisch (Romance Studies Italian/Spanish)

no VPD required no VPD required

Russische Sprache und Kultur (Russian Language and Culture)

no VPD required no VPD required

Sammlungen-Provenienz-Kulturelles Erbe (Collection, Provenance and Heritage Studies)

no VPD required no VPD required

Satellite Technology (within the elite network Bavaria)

no VPD required VPD required

Sonderpädagogik (Special Needs Education)

no VPD required no VPD required

Sozialwissenschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (Social Science Sustainability Research)

no VPD required no VPD required

Spanisch (Spanish)

no VPD required no VPD required

Theologische Studien (Theological Studies)

no VPD required no VPD required

Translational Neuroscience and Translational Neuroscience (within the elite network Bavaria)

VPD required VPD required

Vergleichende Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft (Comparative Indo-European Linguistics)

no VPD required no VPD required

Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie (Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology)

no VPD required no VPD required

Wirtschaftsmathematik (Mathematics for Economics)

no VPD required VPD required



University degree from an EU and EEA country University degree from a non-EU/EEA country

Ägyptologie (Egyptology)

no VPD required no VPD required

Bildungswissenschaft (Educational Sciences)

no VPD required no VPD required

Chemie (Chemistry)

no VPD required VPD required

Ethnomusikologie (Ethnomusicology)

no VPD required no VPD required


no VPD required VPD required

Informatik (Computer Science)

no VPD required VPD required

Klassische Archäologie (Classical Archaeology)

no VPD required no VPD required

Kunstgeschichte (Art History)

no VPD required no VPD required

Luft- und Raumfahrtinformatik (Aerospace Informatics)

no VPD required VPD required

Physik (Physics)

no VPD required no VPD required

Quantentechnologie (Quantum Technology)

no VPD required no VPD required


Please select: "Julius-Maximilians-University Wuerzburg".

You cannot select a specific degree programme on the uni-assist website but will have to select the degree you want to pursue in your chosen subject, i.e.

  • ‘Bachelor alle Fächer’ (Bachelor’s, all subjects) if you want to study a Bachelor’s programme at the University of Würzburg;
  • ‘Staatsexamen alle Fächer’ (state examination, all subjects) if you want to study a state examination programme at the University of Würzburg;
  • ‘Master alle Fächer’ (Master’s, all subjects) if you want to study a Master’s programme or a programme leading to an LL.M. degree at the University of Würzburg;
  • ‘Modulstudium Bachelor alle Fächer’ (Bachelor’s level modules outside of a degree programme, all subjects) if you want to study Bachelor’s level modules outside of a degree programme at the University of Würzburg;
  • ‘Modulstudium Master alle Fächer’ (Master’s level modules outside of a degree programme, all subjects) if you want to study Master’s level modules outside of a degree programme at the University of Würzburg.

Required documents to the uni-assit website for Bachelor Degree, State Exam and Modul Bachelor courses

If you are applying for a preliminary documentsation by uni-assist for  a Bachelor's or State degree program, you need

  • a copy of your higher education entrance qualification in the original language (the higher education entrance qualification usually includes your secondary school certificate and additionally the certificate of your preparatory college assessment test, if you have completed the Studienkolleg; depending on origin and individual background, the higher education entrance qualification may also include other documents - see
  • a translation if the original document was not issued in German or English.

Please note that if you are admitted, you must present certified hardcopies of all documents uploaded by uni-assist for proof of your higher education entrance qualification upon enrollment. Please read the information on certification and translation thorougly to ensure that your documents meet the requirements.

Required documents for the VPD for a Master's Degree, LLM or Modul Master course

If you are applying for a Master's degree progam, LLM or Module Master course, you usually need

  • a copy of your higher ecucation entrance qualification in the original language
  • a copy of your subjects and grades (transcript)
  • a copy of your Bachelor Degrere
  • a translation if the original documents were not issued in German or English.

Uni-assist may require additional documents from you in order to issue the VPD.

Who does NOT need a VPD?

  • Applicants who obtained an Abitur secondary school leaving certificate in Germany or at a school that applies the German Abitur examination regulations.
  • EU/EEA nationals who are applying for admission to a programme in medicine, pharmacy or dentistry (see
  • Applicants holding an International Baccalaureate Diploma who have already received a letter of recognition of foreign qualifications (Anerkennungsbescheid) from the office for the recognition of non-Bavarian certificates and diplomas (Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle).
  • Applicants holding a certificate from a German office for the recognition of non-German certificates and diplomas (Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle) with a grade point average.
  • Applicants who completed their Bachelor’s degree in Germany.

Requesting a VPD

You can request your VPD online through the uni-assist application portal. To find out how to request a VPD  please check the uni-assist website.


Please only upload documents relevant for the application for the VPD. Not required are, for example, a copy of the ID, motivation letters, essays or language certificates.
These documents may be relevant later on when you apply at the Universit of Wuerzburg.


Important information!

Important information! Be aware that requesting a VPD from uni-assist and applying for admission to the University of Würzburg are two separate processes. You will first have to request a VPD and will then have to submit an application for admission to the University of Würzburg.

More information about the application process and language requirements can be found at