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PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna

Education Manager CHARM-EU

Campus Hubland Nord
Josef-Martin-Weg 54/1
97074 Würzburg

Gebäude: 54
Raum: 01.101

Telefon: 0931/31-81203



Short Biography

  • Since 01/07/2024: Education Manager CHARM EIGHT Project, ZBL, Universität Würzburg
  • 05/2022-04/2024: Researcher at the Lehrstuhl für Englische Fachdidaktik (TEFL Chair), Universität Würzburg
  • 06/2022-05/2023: Project Co-Coordinator of SCIENTIA International, Büro der Universitätsfrauenbeauftragten, Universität Würzburg
  • 2007-2022: Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, the National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic", Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
  • 2021: Postdoc studies. Habilitation thesis defense at Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Theme: Linguistic and semiotics of English language digital discourse. Degree obtained: Habilitated Doctor in Philological Sciences in the field of Germanic Languages.
  • 2013: Postgraduate Studies (01/11/2010-01/11/2013),  Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. PhD thesis defense (Donetsk National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, December 2021). Theme: Structural, semantic, and stylistic features of English-language imagery computer terminology. Field: Germanic languages. Degree obtained: Ph.D. in Philological Sciences in the field of Germanic Languages.
  • 2007: Master's Degree in Philology (01/09/2006-30/06/2007), Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Major in Philology and Translation (English, German, Ukrainian, Russian languages).
  • 2006: Bachelor's Degree in Philology (01/09/2002-29/06/2006), Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Major in Philology and Translation (English, German, Ukrainian, Russian languages).


Memberships in international educational associations

  • Co-convener of the International Research Network (IRN) within WERA – World Education Research Association (San Diego, California, USA)
  • British Educational Research Association (BERA), London, UK
  • TESOL International Association, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
  • Vision Ukraine (interdisziplinäres wissenschaftliches Netzwerk: Bildung, Sprache, Migration), Germany

Interests and Competences

  • Digital linguistics, data-driven learning, interdisciplinary linguistic studies
  • Human-Machine (AI) communication (speech patterns, digital discourse analysis, Machine (AI) Code of Ethics)
  • Global education through VR and immersive technologies
  • UN sustainable development goals in a data-driven transnational learning environment
  • Spatial data mapping as multimodal and transmedial learning environment
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) in a global context 

Workshops and Courses


  • AI in Need is a Friend Indeed: on Linguistic and Pedagogical Implications of Human-Machine Communication. The International conference organized by Donetsk National University (Vinnitsia, Ukraine), co-organized by JMU, supported by DAAD, on relevant issues of Germanic, Roman, Slavic Languages and Literatures Studies, and Pedagogy. 21-22.06.2024.
  • Digital Humanities Metaframework of English Language Studies. Babes-Bolya University, ClujNapoca, Romania. 31.07.2023.
  • Symbiosis of Natural and Artificial in English-language Studies. Workshop zu MSCA Doctoral Networks und Twinning: Advanced Materials and Processes, and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability. Regensburg, Germany. 22.03.2023.
  • On Global, social and cultural competencies of future EFL teachers: Germany-Ukraine universities cooperation. Cross-University Collaboration in Digital Humanities & Social Science (Dhss) and Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage (Dhch) Education. University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 07.03.2023.
  • Linguistic Semiotics of English-language Digital Discourse. Realm of perspectives. Linguistisches Kolloquim, Forum für MitarbeiterInnen der einzelnen sprachwissenschaftlichen Abteilungen der Universität Würzburg. 08.11.2022.


  • Creating Culturally Responsive Inclusive EFL Classroom Environment through Visual Arts. TESOL 2024 International Convention & Expo (Tampa, Florida, USA, 21.03 - 23.03.24)

  • Data-Driven EFL. German-Ukrainian Symposium “Bridging the Epistemic Gap between Linguistics, Literature, and Pedagogy”. JMU, Würzburg. 23.10-24.10.23.


Lazebna, Nataliia and Kumar, Dinesh (Eds.) (2022), Studies in Modern English. Würzburg: Würzburg University Press, 2022. 125 pp.

Lazebna N. English Language as Mediator of Human-Machine Communication : monograph. Mysore, India : PhDians along with Ambishpere ; Academic and Medical Publishers, Royal Book Publishing, 2021. 571 рp.

Lazebna N. Imagery of English Language Computer Text Space. Zaporizhzhia: ZNTU:2017.  206 pp.

Selected Publications

Lazebna, N. (2024). Spatial Data Mapping in Foreign Language Teaching as a Representation of Multimodal and Transmedial Learning Environments. Multimodality and Transmediality: Interdisciplinary Studies. The Second International Conference. Book of abstracts. (pp. 90-91). Kharkiv, Ukraine, April 19-20.

Lazebna, N. (2024). UN Sustainable Development Goals in a Data-driven Transnational Learning Environment of TEFL students. In Crosthwaite, P. (Ed). Corpora for Language Teaching, Routledge.

Lazebna, N. (preprint 2024). Inclusion as Solution: Integration Challenges of Ukrainian Refugee Students in the Educational System of Germany. Education Leadership in the Shadow of Wars. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group; Peter Lang  (in co-authorship with Dr. Lut and Dr. Dieser).

Lazebna, N. (2023). Grammar of German-language word combinations: reflections on structural-semantic modelling".  (with Anatoliy Prykhodko). Collection of scientific papers “New Philology”, 90, pp. 82-88. ISSN 2414-1135.

Lazebna, N. (2022). Digital discourse in the realm of related phenomena. (with Prykhodko A.) Cognition, Communication, Discourse, Vol. 25. pp. 59-68.

Lazebna N. Digital discourse of English language acquisition. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2021. №17 (2). P. 971-982. (Co-authored with Prykhodko A.). Indexed by SCOPUS

Lazebna N. (2019). Scratch language of programming vs English language: comparing mathematical and linguistic features. Eureka physics and engineering. № 6. Р. 34–42. (Co-authored with Fedorova Y., Kuznetsova M.). Indexed by SCOPUS