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JMU Christmas Concert

"Dona nobis pacem" – "Give us peace"
Date: 12/15/2023, 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Category: Konzert
Location: Domerschulstraße 16 (Alte Universität), Neubaukirche
Organizer: University of Würzburg, Academic Orchestra
Speaker: University Chamber Choir, University Academic Orchestra, Jürgen Bucher

On Friday, December 15, 2023, the university invites you to its traditional Christmas concert in the Neubaukirche. Advance ticket sales starts on December 11.

The concert will take place in the university's Festaula, the Neubaukirche, on Friday, December 15, 2023, from 8 pm. Admission is from 7:30 pm.

The programme includes choral and instrumental works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Anton Bruckner and contemporary composers. The University Chamber Choir will sing under the direction of Hermann Freibott and the University Academic Orchestra will perform under the direction of Markus Popp. The programme also includes a polyphonic version of the hymn "Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich".

Before the concert, university carilloneur Dr. Jürgen Bucher will play the carillon in the tower of the Neubaukirche from 7:30 pm to set the mood.


Tickets cost six euros. They will be on sale from Monday, December 11, 2023, at Sanderring-University in room 12-13. There is also a box office.
