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Prof. M. v. Delius: "All-cis fluorinated cyclohexanes: Making use of their world-record dipole moment"

Date: 12/08/2022, 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Category: Vortrag
Location: Hubland Süd, Geb. C3 (Zentralbau Chemie), HS C
Organizer: Universität Würzburg, Prof. Dr. T. Hertel

The GDCh Ortsverband Unterfranken invites to the lecture of

Prof. Dr. Max von Delius  (Universität Ulm) on Dezember 08, 2022.

He will talk about

„All-cis fluorinated cyclohexanes: Making use of their world-record dipole moment”

in lecture hall C at 4:15 pm.



