Deutsch Intern

Press Releases

Artistic representation of the ultra-high energy neutrino event observed in KM3NeT/ARCA

An international research network has observed a cosmic neutrino with a record-breaking energy in the depths of the Mediterranean. Würzburg astrophysicist Sara Buson and her team were also involved.

A calcareous grassland in Karlstadt in Lower Franconia: the research team also determined the species diversity here.

What measures are suitable for providing better living conditions for insects in typical Franconian landscapes? This question was investigated by a research team from the University of Würzburg. The results are now available.

Christophe Zimmer in his office

Christophe Zimmer is the new “Spitzenprofessor” at the University of Würzburg. As a luminary in the field of biological imaging and processing, he will receive up to five million euros in funding from Hightech Agenda Bayern.

Rice terraces in Thailand. The grains of the plants form the food basis for billions of people.

Rice is the basis of life for many people. An international research team involving researchers from Würzburg wants to make the plant, which originates from Asia, more resilient to heat and drought.


Würzburg chemists have for the first time created a defect in graphene that allows ions to pass through. As they report in ‘Nature’, this could lead to new applications in water filtration or sensor technology.
