The African Matabele ants are often injured in fights with termites. Their conspecifics recognise when the wounds become infected and initiate antibiotic treatment.
moreThe African Matabele ants are often injured in fights with termites. Their conspecifics recognise when the wounds become infected and initiate antibiotic treatment.
moreA research group at the University of Würzburg develops fundamental methods for analyzing music with the help of machine learning. The project is led by Professor Christof Weiß at CAIDAS.
moreThe colour of dragonfly communities reacts to seasonal variation in solar radiation. Over the last 30 years, however, this colour pattern has changed – probably as a result of climate change.
moreUsing optogenetics, Würzburg researchers have detected a new acid sensor in plant cells that is addressing a cell-internal calcium store, as they report in the journal "Science".
moreA DFG research group led by the University of Würzburg has developed a method that makes it possible to analyse the relationship between biodiversity within and between ecosystems and the multifunctionality of entire landscapes.
moreA team at the University of Würzburg led by systems immunologist Wolfgang Kastenmüller has received a grant of around 440,000 euros from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for research into dendritic cells.
moreIn order for immune cells to do their job, they need to know against whom they should direct their attack. Research teams at the University of Würzburg have identified new details in this process.
moreMargret Wintermantel will remain Chairwoman of the University Council of the University of Würzburg. And the current Vice-Presidents have also been re-elected for a second term of office.
moreHow do flies and ants find their way? Neuroscientist Hannah Haberkern is investigating this question with a new Emmy Noether independent junior research group. To do this, she has moved from the USA to Würzburg.
moreInspiring children around the globe to learn about soil diversity - that is the aim of an initiative launched by Malte Jochum, an ecologist at the University of Würzburg.
moreGood news for researchers working with high-resolution fluorescence microscopy: Biocompatible molecular rulers are available for the first time to calibrate the latest super-resolution microscopy methods.
moreEfficient removal of abnormal myelin allows survival of nerve fibers targeted by adaptive immune cells, according to a novel study by scientists of the University Hospital Würzburg.
moreSetting a new standard in clinical cancer research – that is the goal of Bavarian researchers within the WERA alliance. As of today, the alliance is part of the National Centre for Tumour Diseases (NCT).
morePlants in which an ion channel of the vacuole is hyperactive are extremely stressed and grow poorly. But the broad bean is an exception, as Würzburg researchers have discovered.
moreA new study by Würzburg botanist Kenji Fukushima shows the role of subgenome dominance for plants in the evolutionary development of special traits, such as a carnivorous lifestyle.