Picture credits
The JMU wishes you happy holidays | Image: Daniel Peter / Universität Würzburg
1265290420 | Image: iStockphoto.com / grafxart8888
The Venus flytrap has a heat sensor in its sensory hairs, through which it reacts to heat waves in the run-up to bushfires. If the temperature rapidly exceeds the 37 degree Celsius mark, a calcium-dependent action potential (AP) is fired as a warning signal. If the temperature rises to the threshold of 55 degrees Celsius, a second AP is fired, the trap closes and the sensory hairs are protected from burning. | Image: Shouguang Huang / Universität Würzburg
Johnsongrass is considered a so-called problem weed because of its herbicide resistance. | Image: scisettialfio / iStockphot.com
Immunology, infection biology and chronic inflammation: This is the field of research of Carlos Talavera-López. | Image: Anika Grafen / Max-Planck-Forschungsgruppe für Systemimmunologie
The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences and the Bugando Medical Center are partner organisations of the Else Kröner Center in Mwanza. The participants gathered there for a group photo. | Image: Jimmy Mwaisaka / Else Kröner Center Würzburg-Mwanza
The Twins of the first funding period with TWINSIGHT spokesperson Bastian Schilling and TWINSIGHT coordinator Susanne Nuber (from left): Valerie Glutsch, Lisa Rubenbauer, Janina Marißen, Bastian Schilling, Janik Fleißner, Patrick Schummer, Geraldine Engels, Susanne Nuber. | Image: Jörg Fuchs / Universitätsklinikum Würzburg
Even if it doesn't look like it in this picture: Men and women react differently to anxiety-provoking situations. | Image: Tomnamon / Colourbox.de
Women in Physics: Their Achievements and Careers are the Focus of a Workshop at the University of Würzburg. | Image: Exzellenzcluster ct.qmat
Sarah Redlich is investigating how climate change affects biodiversity in ecosystems and how these effects can be minimised. | Image: Sarah Redlich / Uni Würzburg
Klaus Schilling with some of the small satellites developed by his team together with students. | Image: Dieter Ziegler / Universität Würzburg
The iMPI scanner (left) provides new insights into the human body. Here you can see a constriction in a blood vessel - recorded with conventional X-rays (b), with the scanner (c) and in a combination of both techniques (d). | Image: Patrick Vogel / Stefan Herz
Social media content can have a major influence on what body shapes women describe as beautiful – in others and in themselves. This is shown by a study from Würzburg. | Image: RichLegg / iStockphoto.com
The poster for the Multispecies Conference shows the outlines of wood bees and a honey bee. Both species are being researched at the Chair in their relevance to cultural studies. | Image: Luise Stark / Uni Würzburg
The figure shows the complex organization of dendritic cells in the lymph node. Blood vessels are shown in blue. The cells in green are young dendritic cells whereas the dendritic cells in red are a few days older and have already migrated. The dendritic cells in orange are intermediate in age. | Image: Dr. Milas Ugur / Universität Würzburg
Every year, about 70,000 people in Germany suffer a so-called stroke recurrence - that is, a second stroke after a previous one. | Image: peterschreiber.media / istockphoto.com