Deutsch Intern

Press Releases

A carnivorous leaf of Triphyophyllum peltatum with glands excreting a sticky liquid to capture insect prey.

Under certain circumstances, a rare tropical plant develops into a carnivore. A research team from the universities of Hannover and Würzburg has now deciphered the mechanism responsible for this.

Infections with Candida auris are difficult to treat and potentially life-threatening. The picture shows yeast cells of C. auris on the left and a fluconazole-resistant C. auris strain on the right.

The number of infections with the fungus Candida auris is also increasing in Germany. This is shown in a new study by research teams from Würzburg, Jena and Berlin. Despite low numbers, scientists advise precautionary measures.

Mixed forest on a slope with withered conifers.

Increasing heat and drought are changing forests faster than expected. Researchers at the University of Würzburg want to keep a better eye on these dynamics. They have raised 1.2 million euros for their project.

Specific interactions cause spherical nanoparticles of polymers to rearrange themselves into worm-like structures during cooling. The resulting hydrogel dissolves again when heated.

A previously unknown form of hydrogel formation has been elucidated: chemists found unusual interactions between polymers.

A honeybee (Apis mellifera) collects honeydew on a fir tree. The study shows that the beech-dominated Steigerwald provides insufficient food resources for honeybees.

What role do forests play as a feeding habitat for honeybees? A team led by Würzburg biologist Dr. Benjamin Rutschmann investigated this question. For this purpose, the researchers used observation hives inside the Steigerwald.

Illustration of exciton splitting in the organic semiconductor pentacene, which consists of five benzene rings each. Instead of the usual two free charge carriers, absorption of a photon in pentacene generates four free charge carriers, represented by orange tracks.

Some materials convert photons into more free charges than would be expected. Using an ultrafast film, researchers have now been able to get a picture of this process. Physicists from the University of Würzburg were also involved.

Flower strips are the focus of a Europe-wide research project involving scientists from the University of Würzburg.

Can flower strips combined with hedges improve biodiversity in intensively used agricultural areas? This is what a team from the University of Würzburg is investigating with project partners from four EU countries.


The University of Würzburg has acquired a campus license from the online image database "Colourbox". Members of the university can download up to 30 photos and illustrations per month.

Jörg Vogel, infection biologist and expert in the field of RNA biology.

The Würzburg infection biologist Jörg Vogel is a new member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. The award ceremony will take place on May 12 in Munich.

Portrait photo of professor Carlo D'Eramo

The new computer science professor Carlo D'Eramo works in the field of artificial intelligence. He is an expert in a special form of machine learning called reinforcement learning.


Separated at last

In the new method, laser pulses of different power (green) are combined in such a way that single excitation (blue), double excitation (red) and triple excitation (yellow) can be distinguished, for example, in biological light-harvesting complexes

Scientists at the Universities of Würzburg and Ottawa have solved the decades-old problem of distinguishing between single and multiple light excitations. They present their new method in the journal Nature.


Attack from the gut

After surgery, bacteria from the intestine can enter the organism. Special cells of the immune system located in the liver fight them. (Graphic: Mercedes Gomez de Aguero)

Intestinal bacteria are often the trigger of complications after surgery. This is shown in a new study by research teams from Würzburg and Bern. A solution to this problem could come from the liver.
