Picture credits
Find your match among 280 degree programmes! | Image: Jonas Blank / Universität Würzburg
Every year, about 70,000 people in Germany suffer a so-called stroke recurrence - that is, a second stroke after a previous one. | Image: peterschreiber.media / istockphoto.com
From meme culture to discussions about gender: the new YouTube channel "überalltag" looks at social phenomena from a cultural studies perspective. | Image: Nikola Nölle / Uni Würzburg
Using X-rays (green in the picture), researchers have created 3D cinema-like effects on the kagome metal TbV6Sn6. This way, they have succeeded in tracking down the behaviour of electrons (blue and yellow in the picture) and have taken a step forward in the understanding of quantum materials. | Image: Jörg Bandmann/ct.qmat
Going for a walk and being outside - this helps children to develop a realistic self-assessment. | Image: Kzenon / Colourbox
From left to right: Prof Josef Penninger (HZI), Prof Dirk Heinz (HZI), Dr Renke Deckarm (EU Commission), Christian Scherf (HZI, Background), Judith Pirscher (BMBF), Dr Markus Söder (Freistaat Bayern), Prof Jörg Vogel (HIRI), Dipl-Ing Rainer Post (doranth post architekten, Background), Prof Otmar D. Wiestler (Helmholtz Association), Christian Schuchardt (Würzburg), Roland Weigert (StMWi), Prof Matthias Frosch (JMU). © HIRI / Mario Schmitt | Image: HIRI / Mario Schmitt
This small part from a fragment of a Book of the Dead from the Martin von Wagner Museum's holdings adorns the cover of the new handbook. | Image: Christina Kiefer
A typical behaviour: When the leafcutter ant Atta sexdens cuts pieces of leaves, it holds onto the leaf edge with its hind legs to determine the size of the cut. | Image: Dr. Daniela Römer, Uni Würzburg
Women generally find jokes less funny than men. But that is only one result of the research project that has now been presented. (Photo: Zoran Mladenovic / Colourbox.de) | Image: Zoran Mladenovic / Colourbox.de
Horned mason bees like to use nest boxes to raise their brood. | Image: DE1967 / iStockphoto.com
Hospitals where you can get an appointment quickly; a functioning judicial system; a refuse collection service that comes regularly: all this makes for a well-functioning state. | Image: Syda Productions, r.classen, Kzenon / Colourbox.de
[Translate to Englisch:] | Image: Getty Museum, Malibu
Caught in the photo trap. Griffon vultures are rather unusual guests in Germany. These impressive birds inhabit more southerly climes in Europe. | Image: Sönke Twietmeyer / Nationalpark Eifel
Professor Einsele is considered an opinion leader in CAR-T cell therapy, which he was the first to use clinically in Europe. | Image: Arnika Hansen / Universitätsklinikum Würzburg
Vertial-original | Image: Projekt Remote XUAR
Analysis of RNA sequencing data of immune cells (monocytes) from 215 healthy individuals. Each dot represents the trans.riptional response of an individual in unstimulated monocytes (Ctrl) and after exposure to different pathogens (fungus: Aspergillus fumigatus (Af); bacteria: Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) and Staphylococcus aureus (Sa), respectively) for three and six hours. The colours indicate the stimulus and the time. | Image: Sascha Schäuble / Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie (Leibniz-HKI, Jena)