The search for nectar costs insects a lot of energy, so they have to be as efficient as possible. Colourful patterns on the petals can help with that.
moreThe search for nectar costs insects a lot of energy, so they have to be as efficient as possible. Colourful patterns on the petals can help with that.
moreWithin the framework of the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, excitons were generated in a topological insulator for the first time. A breakthrough in quantum research, based on material design from Würzburg.
moreWhat genetic changes are responsible for the evolution of phenotypic traits? This question is not always easy to answer. A newly developed method now makes the search much easier.
moreLike a Swiss army knife: Researchers from Würzburg and the U.S. discover new type of CRISPR gene scissors. New publication in "Nature".
When a fruit fly starts walking or flying, its insulin-producing cells are immediately inhibited. This could be one explanation for why exercise promotes health.
moreA newly developed rapid test needs only a few seconds to reliably detect pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2. It is based on specially designed magnetic nanoparticles.
moreUsing artificial intelligence methods to prevent collisions of nanosatellites in orbit: This is the aim of a new project in which students are leading the pen.
moreChemistry professor Claudia Höbartner is being honoured for her outstanding research on the nucleic acids DNA and RNA: She receives the prestigious Leibniz prize endowed with 2.5 million euros.
moreA new collaborative research centre is being launched in Würzburg. It investigates critical decision processes that determine the outcome of human infection.
moreHollow spheres made of MYC proteins open new doors in cancer research. Würzburg scientists have discovered them and report about this breakthrough in the journal "Nature".
moreTheir work is most frequently cited in publications of other scientists. Researchers from the University are therefore included in the Highly Cited Researchers 2022 List.
moreIncreased cell proliferation is a key feature of diseases such as cancer. A research team from the University of Würzburg and two Leibniz Institutes has now succeeded in indirectly influencing this process.
moreStarting in 2023, Jörg Vogel, Director of the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) in Würzburg, will serve on the selection committee for the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Program.
moreIn the life sciences, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg is among the world leaders in several subject areas. This is confirmed by the latest edition of the Shanghai Subject Rankings.
morePeople who deny the existence of facts believe in Fake News more often. People with dark personality traits – those who always put their own benefit first – are particularly often affected.