Deutsch Intern

Press Releases

The thymus, a small lymphatic organ, is located behind the breastbone. As we age, it shrinks considerably with the result that the immune defence becomes weaker.

In old age, the performance of the immune system decreases, and older people are more susceptible to infections. Research teams from Würzburg and Freiburg have now discovered an approach that could be used to slow down this process.

Organoid-based models: bladder organoids

The German government is providing about 2.4 million Euros for a new research group in infectious diseases at JMU Würzburg. Dr. Carmen Aguilar will use this grant to search for new therapeutic approaches against one of the most common and recurrent bacterial infections.

Image of patient-derived endocervical columnar (red) ectocervical stratified squamous organoids (Green) of female reproductive tract, and diagram depicting their genetic manipulation and infections.

Life-like organ replicas - so-called 3D organoids - are a good way to research disease processes. A team from the University of Würzburg has now presented a kind of blueprint for such a model of the cervix.

This is the first image of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy. It shows glowing gas orbiting around the black hole, revealing a telltale signature: a dark central region (called a “shadow”) surrounded by a bright ring-like structure. The new view captures light bent by the powerful gravity of the black hole.

Astronomers have unveiled the first image of the supermassive black hole at the centre of our own Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers of the University of Würzburg were part of this collaboration.

Photos of the grasshopper species Gravel Grasshopper, Green Mountain Grasshopper, and the Wart-biter.

Little is known about the food webs of herbivorous insects. A team from the Würzburg Biocenter is investigating, in Lower Franconia as well as in the Berchtesgaden Alps.

Vegan spaghetti is ideally responsible for 130 grams of CO2 emissions. The variant with minced meat sauce is significantly higher.

If restaurants list the CO2 emissions for each dish on their menus or highlight low-emission options, diners are more likely to choose more climate-friendly options. This has been shown in a new study by the University of Würzburg.

Microscopy showing the fragmentation of mitochondria

Dormant herpesviruses induce their reactivation via a previously unknown cellular mechanism mediated by a viral microRNA. Würzburg researchers show this in the journal "Nature".

Students walk up the stairs to the lecture in the university building on Sanderring.

The University of Würzburg is starting the 2022 summer semester with around 26,000 students and courses delivered largely in person.

Ein Forschungsteam hat untersucht, ob Fungizide beim Paarungsverhalten der Mauerbiene (Osmia cornuta) eine Rolle spielen könnten.

Do pesticides have anything to do with the decline in bee populations? A research team led by the University of Würzburg has investigated - and found a connection between fenbuconazole and the insects' mating behavior.

Artistic representation of a microdrone with two active light-driven nanomotors between red blood cells.

Propelling micrometre-sized drones using light only and exerting precise control: Physicists at the University of Würzburg have succeeded at this for the first time. Their microdrones are significantly smaller than red blood cells.

Portrait photo of Adriana Pálffy-Buß

Adriana Pálffy-Buß has been appointed to the new W2 professorship for Theoretical Quantum Information and Quantum Optics of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat. She is an expert in the new research field of X-ray quantum optics.

Hand pollination of cacao by rubbing two flowers together to transfer pollen.

The tropical tree, from whose seeds chocolate and other sweets are produced, has its secrets. Unravelling them is not so easy.

Image of a spherical virus with spike proteins on the surface.

The obligation to wear a mask in university buildings continues to exist, and the G access controls have been dropped. The most important changes in the University's infection protection concept.

Microscopic image showing a part of the spleen during chronic viral infection. Dendritic cells are green, Killer T cells are red, B cells are blue and stromal cells are magenta.

The presence of sentinel immune cells is vital to maintain and regulate the balance of the body’s immune response. Researchers have discovered an essential role of these cells in the treatment of cancer and severe viral infections.
