UAP: SkyCAM Searches the Sky
A new camera system has gone into test operation at the University of Würzburg. It is designed to detect unidentified aerial phenomena using artificial intelligence methods.
moreA new camera system has gone into test operation at the University of Würzburg. It is designed to detect unidentified aerial phenomena using artificial intelligence methods.
moreSeeing masked people can activate pre-existing fear of coronavirus infection. A more positive image for masks could remedy the situation.
moreThe development of a topological laser network by a team of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat is among the top ten nominations for the "Breakthrough of the Year Award“.
moreThe cells of a certain tumour type, called neuroblastoma, divide very rapidly. This rapid division can have potentially fatal consequences for them. A new study shows how neuroblastoma cells deal with this dilemma.
moreMonarch butterflies employ a sun compass on their long-distance migration. Surprisingly, a new study shows that the compass is only established during flight.
moreThe question of the causes of species extinction confronts science with complex tasks. Dr Sarah Redlich from the Biocentre on the challenge of creating a study design.
moreThe 2021 Oswald Külpe Prize of the Institute of Psychology goes to Professor Jan De Houwer from Ghent University.
moreA team led by Professor Kristina Lorenz has discovered a potential new active agent to treat heart failure. They have now been awarded a science prize.
moreTheir work is most frequently cited in publications of other scientists. Four researchers from the University are therefore included in the Highly Cited Researchers 2021 List.
moreElisa Roßberger and Martin Gruber have been appointed to newly created junior professorships at the Chair of Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Both do research and teach in the field of Near Eastern Archaeology.
moreThe black hole of the giant galaxy M87 shoots out an enormous jet of particles. A theoretical model of this jet has now been developed that fits astronomical observations very well.
moreMobile game "Kitty Q – a quantum adventure" released worldwide - Nominated twice for an award at launch - Great-granddaughter and grandson of Nobel Prize winner Erwin Schrödinger take over patronage
moreUrbanisation appears to be another key factor for insect decline. This is shown by a study in which the impact of climate and land use on insects was disentangled for the first time.
morePhysics is getting exciting! "Kitty Q–a quantum adventure" from the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat for children from 11 years can be pre-ordered as of now in the app store and tested in Würzburg until October 2.
moreIsraeli and German researchers have developed a way to force an array of vertical cavity lasers to act together as a single laser - a highly effective laser network the size of a grain of sand. The findings are presented in a new joint research paper published online by the prestigious journal Science on Friday, September 24.