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Press Releases

This is what it could look like once the small satellite INNOcube is in orbit. (Picture: Chair of Computer Science VIII / University of Würzburg)

It does not require any cabling and its supporting structure is at the same time a battery: research teams from Braunschweig and Würzburg are working on such a cleverly constructed small satellite.

The sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) (Photo: Andreas Hartl)

Sturgeons lived on earth already 300 million years ago and yet their external appearance seems to have undergone very little change. A team of researchers from Würzburg and Berlin has now succeeded in sequencing their genome.


A funnel of light

The figure shows how light is caught through the light funnel (Graphic: University Rostock / Alexander Szameit).

Physicists of the University of Würzburg, in a joint collaboration with colleagues from the University of Rostock, have developed a light funnel apparatus. It could serve as a new platform for hypersensitive optical detectors.

Using special ligands, it was possible to prove that opioid receptors are also present as pairs of two in the cell membrane.

It could be an important step forward in the improvement of pain therapy: Thanks to newly developed molecular probes, the behavior of individual opioid receptors can now be studied in detail.

Slow down the spread of the new coronavirus: That is the order of the day.

Time will tell whether the drastic measures introduced to curb the spread of the coronavirus will be effective. Lars Dölken, Professor of Virology at the University of Würzburg, urges patience.

The Würzburg researcher Dr. Christian Hüttich (5th from left) with the AgriSens project team and Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner in Berlin.

Whether for soil cultivation, fertilisation or irrigation: Satellite data can be helpful for agriculture. A new german research network is cooperating with farmers to make these data usable.

A lung tumor that expresses USP28 (left). On the right, however, tumors are shown in which USP28 has been "cut out" using the gene editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 – they are significantly smaller. The size bar is located on the left edge of the picture.

In squamous cell carcinoma, a protein ensures that unneeded proteins are no longer disposed of. A research team at the University of Würzburg has switched off this protein for the first time.

Dr. Anna Stöckl at the JMU Biocentre. (Photo: Robert Emmerich)

How do insects see the world? This is what Dr. Anna Stöckl wants to know. Her research program has now been awarded a distinction: she has been accepted into the Young Academy of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

Dwarf honeybee, giant honeybee and eastern honeybee (from left): researchers have studied the dance dialects of these three bee species.

Honeybees use their waggle dance to tell their conspecifics where to find food. Depending on the honeybee species, there are different dance dialects, as a German-Indian research team has shown.

Atomic thin layer of boron nitride with a spin center formed by the boron vacancy. With the help of high frequency excitation (red arrow) it is possible to initialize and manipulate the qubit.

Physicists from Würzburg for the first time have experimentally observed spin centers in two-dimensional materials. Such centers can act as quantum bits - even at room temperature.

Diffuse abdominal pain is a characteristic feature of irritable bowel syndrome, which scientists are investigating in the IMBAY 2020 project.

The State Ministry of Health and Care funds research on integrative medicine in Bavaria. To this end, a cooperation project between the University of Würzburg, the University Hospital of Würzburg, and the Bamberg Hospital has been launched.

This fluorescence microscopy image shows Campylobacter jejuni bacteria (green) that have infected human cells (HeLa). The nuclei of host cells are stained in blue and the cytoskeleton (actin) in magenta, respectively.

Many bacterial pathogens develop resistance to antibiotics. In their search for new therapeutic strategies, Würzburg research groups employ modern digital technologies. The Free State of Bavaria provides millions for this purpose.

LARP7 expression in the germline of mice. An immune staining of the protein (green) is shown, the cell nuclei are marked blue with a dye (DAPI). (Picture: AG Mofang Liu / Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Dwarfism and other developmental disorders are the consequences of a specific genetic defect. Researchers at the universities of Würzburg and Regensburg have now examined this gene in more detail.


Life in Dead Wood

Sebastian Vogel, PhD student at the JMU’s Ecological Station, is taking dead wood samples for the genetic determination of fungi and bacteria.

Dead wood plays an important role for biodiversity in forests. The Ecological Station of the University of Würzburg and the Forest Enterprise Ebrach conduct a joint research project on this topic that has been recently granted with 500,000 euros.

Fear in an airplane – it would be smaller if someone else was sitting next to you...

In uncanny situations, the mere presence of an unknown person can have a calming effect. This is shown in a study by a team of Würzburg scientists who do research on anxiety disorders.
