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Press Releases

A solitary bee leaves an artificial nest. The individual breeding chambers are separated and each contains only one larva. This prevents direct contact with sisters or mothers.

More than 90 percent of all bee species are not organized in colonies, but fight their way through life alone. They are also threatened. Scientists from Würzburg demand more research on the ecology of these insects.

Gas exchange through the stomata: Carbon dioxide is taken in; at the same time a hundred water molecules (H2O) escape for each CO2 molecule that is taken up.

Plants face a dilemma in dry conditions: they have to seal themselves off to prevent losing too much water but this also limits their uptake of carbon dioxide. A sensory network assures that the plant strikes the right balance.

Three examples of the animal species filmed at Kilimanjaro (from left): an Abbott’s duiker, a blue monkey and a black serval.

Numerous large mammals have been documented with video traps on Mount Kilimanjaro by a research group of Würzburg University. The protected areas of the mountain are of tremendous importance for the biodiversity of this animal group.

Working and living with a view of St Peter's Basilica: This has been Manfred Bauer's privilege for the past five years.

He works in the Vatican and deals with severe violations of the church's moral doctrine among others. Nevertheless, Manfred Bauer considers his everyday work routine to be as ordinary as that of any other office job.

Students on the Würzburg campus.

The Times Higher Education Rankings consistently bases its assessment on the quality of teaching and the study environment on the opinion of students. The University of Würzburg is ranked in the top 10 in Germany.

Epichloë hypha between plant cells.

Stories of mass poisoning incidents of livestock due to toxic grasses made headlines especially overseas. Animal ecologists from Würzburg have studied whether this hazard is also lurking on German pastures.

Illustration of the concept using 3D fluorescence images as biological templates for cell migration simulations. Red: vessels, green: megacaryocytes, dark blue: Hemapoietic stem cells, cyan: Neutrophils. Scale bar: 100 µm.

Würzburg Scientists found that megakaryocytes act as “bouncers” and thus modulate bone marrow niche properties and cell migration dynamics. The study was published in the Journal “Haematologica”.

Global warming can disrupt the mutualistic interactions of plants and pollinators as in the case of the European orchard bee, the red mason bee and the pasque flower.

Plants rely on bees for pollination; bees need plants to supply nectar and pollen. Scientists from the University of Würzburg have studied how climate change affects these mutualistic interactions.

Illustration of the single-cell analysis using scSLAM-seq.

Würzburg Scientists have precisely followed the activity of thousands of genes in individual cells for hours. For the first time, they were able to show why some cells are successfully infected by viruses, whereas others are not.

Venus flytrap

Venus flytraps are capable of detecting the movements of even the smallest insects. This mechanism protects the plant against starving from hyperactivity as a new study conducted by scientists from Würzburg and Cambridge reveals.

Sonate-Projektleiter Oleksii Balagurin bei der Arbeit am Nanosatelliten.

SONATE, the latest satellite engineered at the University of Würzburg, was lofted into space on Friday. Its mission is to test cutting-edge technology developed at the University of Würzburg in orbit.

The European spruce bark beetle

Bark beetles are currently responsible for killing an unprecedented number of trees in forests across Europe and North America. Researchers are therefore urging to step up research into bark beetles – also in view of climate change.

Miriam Bley

Alumna Miriam Bley has made an unusual career choice: After completing the teachers training programme at university, she decided to work as a professional tennis umpire and travels from court to court today.

A ball-rolling dung beetle (Photo: Chris Collingridge)

When the South African dung beetle rolls its dung ball through the savannah, it must know the way as precisely as possible. Scientists have now discovered that it does not orient itself solely on the position of the sun.
