Deutsch Intern

Press Releases

A significant number of autumnous adenomas carry a mutation in a gene that is involved in controlling cell proliferation and differentiation. EZH1 – or Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 1 – is the scientific name of this gene.

Autonomous adenomas are the most common benign tumours of the thyroid gland. Mutations in two genes account for around 70 percent of the cases. Scientists from the University of Würzburg have now discovered another key trigger.

In patients with antibodies against Caspr, the structure of the Nodes of Ranvier is destroyed and nerve function is severely impaired.

Würzburg neurologists have discovered an antibody that is involved in triggering certain forms of neuropathies. This discovery also allowed them to show a way to treat these diseases successfully.

Signing of the agreement in Bayreuth with (from left): Alfred Forchel, President of the University of Würzburg, Stefan Leible, President of the University of Bayreuth, Ludwig Spaenle and Joachim Hornegger, President of the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Novel materials essential for key technologies in the fields of energy, communication, climate change and health: these are the focal areas of research at the Bavarian Polymer Institute. The partner universities have now signed a cooperation agreement.

High-resolution microscopy of an axon terminal of a cultivated motor neuron. Microtubules are dyed with green fluorescent dye, Stathmin is blue, Stat-3 red.

Looking for the causes of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an international consortium has discovered two new disease genes. Scientists from the Institute of Clinical Neurobiology of the Würzburg university hospital contributed to the discovery.


Research in motion

Don't sit still! That is what Barbara Händel tells her test subject. She studies the impact of movement on perception.

Neuroscientist Barbara Händel investigates the connection of rhythmic movement and perception. Her work is funded by the European Research Council with a EUR 1.5 million Starting Grant.

From the title page of the 2015 annual report of the Würzburg India Initiative.

A powerful boost for the cooperation of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) and partner universities in New Delhi. JMU gets around EUR 375,000 worth of funding for three new cooperation projects.

Sammy Florczak, Naomi Paxton and Erin McColl (from left) are from Australia. Within the scope of the international Biofabrication master's programme, they are currently spending two semesters at the University of Würzburg.

They develop artificial tissues set to revolutionize the future of medicine: Three students from Australia. Enrolled in the international master's programme "Biofabrication", they are currently spending two semesters in Würzburg where they are doing research in the laboratories on Röntgenring.

According to the EPS an "Historic Site": The former Institute of Physics. Here Wilhelm C. Röntgen discovered the x-rays. (Photo: Marco Bosch)

Great honour for the Würzburg science: The European Physical Society (EPS) has distinguished the institute where in 1895 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the radiation later named after him. The building is now the third "Historic Site" of the EPS in Germany.

Section of adrenal cancer tissue under a microscope. The blue areas are the cell nuclei, and the cytoplasm is stained purple. (Figure: University Hospital Würzburg)

Cancer researchers in Würzburg, in cooperation with the international Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network, have identified new genetic drivers of adrenal cancer. Würzburg was the center of coordination of the European scientists.

Virtual reality is one topic of many.

Starting with winter semester 2016, the University of Würzburg will offer the Bachelor’s program “Games Engineering” for the first time. It provides the scientific and technical knowledge required for the development of computer games that fulfil current and future standards.


Scanning electron micrograph of S.aureus

Staphylococcus aureus usually is a formidable bacterial pathogen. Sometimes, however, weakened forms are found in the blood of patients. Researchers of the University of Würzburg have now identified one mutation responsible for that phenomenon.

Awards ceremony in Berlin: Professor Sergio Montenegro (centre) and Tobias Mikschl with Wolfgang Scheremet from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs (right) and Gerd Gruppe and Franziska Zeitler, both from the DLR Space Administration.

A satellite whose components are not connected through electric cables but miniaturised radio modules: This innovation has earned two computer scientists from the University of Würzburg the first place in the INNOspace Masters competition.

Robert, the hermit: The pamphlet's title page from 1829.

19th century recluses who withdrew to the solitude of caves – modern people who deliberately live a life of abstinence: these are parallels drawn by Ina Bergmann, an American Studies scholar. Her research on the subject has been rewarded with two scholarships.
