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Press Releases

Christian Schneider in an optical laboratory of the Würzburg Physics department.

Physicist Christian Schneider (34) studies promising materials for novel lasers and quantum light sources. The European Research Council has awarded him 1.5 million euros to pursue his work.

A new JMU building for inorganic chemistry is under construction, now another new building hits the home stretch, the ICB. (Photo: Marco Bosch)

A planned research building hits the home stretch: The German Science Council has approved the construction of a new chemistry institute for the University of Würzburg to be built on the Hubland campus.

Patients with traumatic brain injury frequently have clotted blood vessels (arrow) that can impair supply of the brain and aggravate brain damage. In the brain tissue of healthy persons, the vessels are usually free of such deposits (asterisk).

When the brain is injured in an accident, the damage continues to spread in the following days. Blood clots are obviously to blame for this as a research team of the University of Würzburg has found.

More than one nanometer in diameter is the molecule that chemists from Würzburg have synthesized for the first time. Its tendency to take up electrons makes it interesting for further investigations.

In autumn 2015 the Research Training School on molecular biradicals took up its work at the University of Würzburg. Currently the cooperation between chemists and physicists led to a first result: a publication on a new molecule, which is of interest for organic electronics.

The Pudicitia ("modesty"), an early engraving of Matthäus Greuter from the Strasbourg period

For the first time, a scientific catalogue will be published which includes works of the Greuter family, a dynasty of artists and publishers that operated in Strasbourg, Augsburg, Lyon and Rome in the 16th and 17th century. This occasion is celebrated with a study day and an exhibition.

A microscope image (immunofluorescence) of megakaryocytes in the process of platelet formation (thrombopoiesis).

An international team of scientists was able to demonstrate in mouse and patient studies, how magnesium affects the production of blood platelets and that the TRPM7 channel function plays a key role in this process.

Martin Kamp and Professor Sven Höfling working in the highly controlled environment of the University of Würzburg's cleanroom.

Laser to replace breathalyser – this principle could be the future of traffic controls: Physicists of the University of Würzburg have developed a laser that can be used to measure alcohol in the driver's cab. But the new laser can do much more.

Together for inclusion and accessibility: Professor Reinhard Lelgemann, Irmgard Badura, university president Alfred Forchel and Sandra Mölter (from left).

The disability commissioner of the Bavarian State Government, Irmgard Badura, handed the "Bayern barrierefrei" label to the University of Würzburg. It was presented in the name of Bavarian State Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Emilia Müller, in recognition of the university's efforts in the field of inclusion and accessibility.

Aphids puncture the phloem vessels of plants. They can be used as biosensors for measuring electrical signals.

Do plants have some kind of nervous system? This is difficult to establish as there are no suitable measurement methods around. Plant researchers from Würzburg used aphids for this purpose – and discovered that plants respond differently to different kinds of damage.

An expert in maths didactics, Hans-Georg Weigand works on further enhancing calculators for use in classrooms.

The new ClassPad Mathe calculator brings state-of-the-art technology to classrooms. Professor Hans-Georg Weigand from the University of Würzburg develops and evaluates such calculators in collaboration with Casio Europe GmbH.

Professor Samuel Kounev (right) and doctoral student Simon Spinner.

With the Google Research Award, Professor Samuel Kounev and his team of scientists have won a prestigious award that comes with a high prize money. Their project on more efficient server utilisation was chosen out of 800 other applicants from 48 countries.

The Hans Haffner Observatory in Hettstadt, a facility jointly operated by the University of Würzburg and the association "Naturwissenschaftliches Labor für Schüler am FKG".

Pupils, teachers, students and scientists observe the cosmos together at the Hans Haffner Observatory in Hettstadt near Würzburg. The school and university observatory is set to be extended in spring 2016.

Klaus Brehm, tapeworm researcher at the JMU, has won the Memento Research Award.

Tapeworm expert, Professor Klaus Brehm and his team from the University of Würzburg, have won the EUR 5,000 Memento Research Award in honour of their fight against neglected diseases.

Dead Rose

How do people cope with losing a beloved one? Psychologists from the University of Würzburg have investigated this question in a new study including more than 500 participants. Their results correct some common misconceptions about grieving.
