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Press Releases


A DFG research group led by the University of Würzburg has developed a method that makes it possible to analyse the relationship between biodiversity within and between ecosystems and the multifunctionality of entire landscapes.


A team at the University of Würzburg led by systems immunologist Wolfgang Kastenmüller has received a grant of around 440,000 euros from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for research into dendritic cells.

The figure shows how close BTN3 molecules come to each other in the cell by comparing BTN3A1 molecules with modified BTN3A1 molecules. The color blue/turquoise stands for no or little interaction and thus a greater distance. Green and red show a stronger interaction, i.e. closer proximity.

In order for immune cells to do their job, they need to know against whom they should direct their attack. Research teams at the University of Würzburg have identified new details in this process.

Hannah Haberkern studied biomedicine at the University of Würzburg. After 14 years abroad, she has now returned to JMU.

How do flies and ants find their way? Neuroscientist Hannah Haberkern is investigating this question with a new Emmy Noether independent junior research group. To do this, she has moved from the USA to Würzburg.


Junior Professor Anna Lippert from the Institute of Systems Immunology at the University of Würzburg is receiving EUR 10,000 from the Vogel Foundation Dr Eckernkamp to support her research.
