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Press Releases

Brains of three-day-old adult flies. Left: Healthy specimens. Center: animals with a brain tumor. Right: Brain tumor after reduction of SPT5 levels. Green coloring shows central brain regions. Red coloring shows the cerebral cortex, which is strongly expanded by the tumor.

MYC proteins play an important role in many types of cancer. A research team at the University of Würzburg has now succeeded in indirectly influencing these proteins - with clear consequences for the tumor.


In the immune system's fight against cancer and infections, the T cells often lose their power. The team of Würzburg immunologist Martin Vaeth has found a possible explanation for this phenomenon.


For the first time, experimental physicists from the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat have demonstrated a new quantum effect aptly named the “spinaron.”


Contrary to prior belief, certain T-cells remain in lymph nodes for a long time and store information about immune reactions there. That’s been discovered by researchers at the University of Würzburg and the RWTH Aachen.


Visit from Bergen


A University of Bergen (Norway) delegation spent two days at the University of Würzburg. Here they explored the potential for cooperation in research and teaching.

The adult pair of epaulette sharks from the study.

Sharks have existed for millions of years, rarely develop cancer, and react sensitively to ecological changes. An international study led by Würzburg scientists shows that one explanation lies in the fish's genes.

The versatile morphology of living diatoms.

An international research team with participation from Würzburg has discovered how algae compensate for nutrient deficiencies. Their discovery could help counteract the negative effects of climate change.


How can the Hubland campus be made more sustainable? Employees in the science-supporting area now have the opportunity to submit their ideas in a competition and win attractive prizes.

In teaching-learning situations, it is important to think about dialog beyond spoken words. This is also true in digital learning settings, as a new study shows.

Even in digital courses, it's not just the spoken word that counts. Aspects such as tone of voice, eye contact and the appreciation experienced are also important, as a study by the University of Würzburg shows.

Blick auf das Hauptgebäude der Universität Würzburg am Sanderring.

The University of Würzburg maintains collaborations with universities in Israel and in the Palestinian territories. The University Board is therefore following the current developments with great concern.
