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Press Releases

The two spokespersons of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, Prof. Ralph Claessen (l.) and Prof. Matthias Vojta (r.), together with app designer Philipp Stollenmayer (center), present their joint project, the game app "Kitty Q".

Award-winning science communication: The game app "Kitty Q" wins "Best Mobile Indie Game" at the Valencia Indie Summit and is nominated for Deutsche Computerspielpreis and children's media award “Goldener Spatz”.

Alexander Westermann

Alexander Westermann investigates the intestinal microbiota. He has now been awarded a Starting Grant of 1.5 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC).

Expression of GLUT3 on activated T cells. GLUT3 (green) is localised on the cell surface, the mitochondria (violet) and the nucleus (blue) were also shown. Photo: AG Väth

Excessive sugar consumption can promote inflammatory processes in the body and facilitate the development of autoimmune diseases. A research team at the University of Würzburg has now deciphered new details of these processes.

Prince Ravat erhält einen Starting Grant vom ERC.

The chemistry department in Würzburg aims to develop a new class of chiral organic semiconductors - for next-generation applications in organic electronics. The project is funded by the European Research Council with 1.5 million euros.

Portrait photo of Lars Dölken

Virology professor Lars Dölken has once again received a Consolidator Grant worth two million euros. With this award from the European Research Council, he is advancing a new project on herpesviruses.

Cynthia Sharma

Cynthia Sharma studies how bacteria adapt to changing environments, focusing on RNA-binding proteins, about which very little is known so far. For this, she has now received an ERC Consolidator Grant endowed with two million euros.

Picture showing Vladimir Dyakonov

For foreign students or researchers who feel discriminated against at the university, there is a central contact person: the International Mentor.


Russia’s attack on Ukraine doesn’t leave the academic community unaffected. Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) will halt its institutional collaborations with Russian partners for the time being; a dialogue between individuals is still possible.

3-Dimensional sketch of the TPC1 channel protein looking at the vacuolar pore entrance from above.

In humans, only nerves and muscle cells are electrically excitable, whereas in plants almost all cells are. This is due to a sophisticated mechanism in an ion channel of the vacuole.
