Deutsch Intern
    NMUN Delegation


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    Anna-Sophie Humer-Hager

    English and American Studies & Political and Social Studies, 5th semester

    I feel honored to be a part of the NMUN Delegation 2020. I consider NMUN as a great opportunity to think outside the box and question your own worldview. This not only allows you to expand your knowledge on how the UN works and operates, but you also learn how to speak publicly, debate, make your point and in the end, hopefully, find common ground. I am looking forward to benefitting from all the challenges and opportunities ahead and most of all, to sharing this experience as a group while having lots of fun. 

    Fabio König

    Political and Social Studies & Public Law, 5th semester

    ”It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” - Eleanor Roosevelt.

    As an organization promoting peace and international cooperation, solving issues and trying to unite our uneven world since 1945, I think that it is of great importance to realize how the United Nations function and act. I deeply believe that the more industrialized and richer a country is, the more it has to take responsibility for others and our planet. That is why I want to exceed simple understanding and get actively involved in the process and be able to shape the future of the National Model United Nations and respectively the United Nations itself.

    Because of my background, having a half French, half Italian mother and a German father, I rather feel European than any of the latter nationalities, which has always motivated me to acquire a more entire perspective on issues and matters. Personally, I think that it is crucial to have a more supranational and international prospect onto our world and the prevailing issues, in order to strengthen multilateral cooperation and governance, especially in the fight against newly emerging right-wing philosophies, patriarchate autocracies and dictatorships all over the world and in times of re-hardening between Russia and the USA and the menacing possibility of a “zero-polar” world order, as the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Laurent Fabius suggested at a speech he held at the ASEAN Headquarters in 2013.

    Therefore, I am really looking forward to diplomatically represent Rwanda in the United Nations together with these amazing delegates and human beings, in the hope of a better world for tomorrow.

    Nabila Rehbein

    Law, 6th semester

    Being part of the NMUN delegation 2020 excites me deeply, because I believe it is the perfect way to get a first impression of how diplomatic service works. I think the work of the UN is essential for making our planet more peaceful and secure. The UN unites people from all over the world and gives states the chance to talk with each other. In my opinion this is the first step for growing together and creating common solutions to tackle worldwide problems. I feel honoured to be able to work with students from around the globe and fight injustice, climate change and much more! 

    Silas Dreier

    Modern China, 1st semester / Political and Social Studies & Economics, 7th semester

    During my semester abroad, I already participated in the Asian International Model United Nations at Peking University, which sparked my interest in international politics and the working mechanisms of the UN. Therefore, I decided to go a little deeper this year through participation in this project, to expand my knowledge about the UN and also broaden my horizon on countries and cultures outside the European or East Asian regions. I am looking forward to represent Rwanda in New York and work together with other delegates from our delegation and all over the world!