Deutsch Intern
Personal and Professional Development at JMU

Building and managing your research group

Date: 12/05/2022, 9:00 AM - 12/06/2022, 3:00 PM
Category: englisch, Research Academy, R3, R4, Führung
Location: Zoom/moodle / ggf. Hubland Nord, Geb. 21, 2.001 (1. OG)
Organizer: JMU Research Academy, wissenschaftliche Personalentwicklung
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Koch

2-day workshop, online 9:00-15:00 each day, plus 3 hrs pre-teaching activities (elearning) to be completed before the workshop.

The transition from postdoc to research group leader, from being a member of somebody else’s group to becoming an independent researcher, is an exhilarating, yet challenging experience. This hands-on workshop offers practical advice and techniques for establishing an effective leadership style, identifying needs, setting goals and managing expectations, recruiting and developing research staff, reviewing progress and dealing with underperformance. It also addresses key aspects of self-management and how to build your reputation at your institution and in your research field for further career advancement. Overall, the workshop is aims to raise critical awareness of how to build, lead and support a productive research team.

Your benefits

By participating in the workshop, you will be better equipped to:

  • understand what makes an effective research leader and manager,
  • build a talented team with a variety of individual behaviours, experiences, and skills,
  • create a welcoming and invigorating research environment,
  • set out vision and direction for your research group,
  • establish yourself as an independent researcher.


This highly interactive workshop employs theoretical input, plenary discussions, individual and small group work, experience sharing and expert advice. It is limited to 12 participants and will be presented in English.


Thomas Koch is a research management consultant and certified business trainer and coach. He provides hands-on workshops and individual guidance for researchers to realise their research ideas and career objectives. He also supports higher education institutions and research consortia in implementing strategic initiatives and preparing grant proposals. Holding a PhD in physical chemistry from the UK, he builds on 10 years of international experience as a researcher and 12 years of professional experience as a research manager and senior administrator at universities in Bochum (RUB) and Munich (LMU).

Zertifikat Führung

This workshop can be used for theZertifikat Führung (16 AE)

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