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Press and Public Relations Office

JMU Communicator Award

True to its motto ‘Science for Society’, JMU has set itself the goal of communicating scientific findings to the general public and thus contributing to the understanding of research.

With the JMU Communicator Award, the university honours its researchers for their outstanding commitment to strengthening the dialogue between science and society.

Facts about the Award

  • The award is endowed with 2,000 euros

  • A jury selects the most innovative communication format

  • The award is presented annually at the university-wide Professorium

  • The application deadline is 15 September 2025


  • Both self-applications and nominations are possible

  • All members of the university are eligible to nominate candidates

  • The award is aimed at researchers at all career levels or research teams at JMU

  • Applications are submitted via an online form (see below)

Selection Criteria

A professional jury evaluates all submissions by awarding points according to the following criteria:


How clear, interesting and accessible does the measure make the topic for the target audience?


How innovative is the format? To what extent does it rethink science communication?

Tailoring to the target audience

How clearly and precisely is the target audience defined? How well is it reached?


Does the communication clarify the scientific process? Does it strengthen trust in science?


Does the measure serve as a role model for other researchers, especially for those at the beginning of their careers?


Does the format network different disciplines and actors?

Your Proposal for the JMU Communicator Award

Application for Communicator Award

JMU Funding for Science Communication

Are you planning a communication measure to communicate your research to the general public? Our funding pot will support you!

Further information on the funding

Do you still have questions?

Then get in touch with us!

Dr Esther Knemeyer
Head of the Press Office / Press Spokesperson

Sebastian Hofmann
Science Editor

Phone: +49 931 31-86002 and -80484