Tips & Tricks
This subpage contains a list of useful things to know that don't really fit into the standard tutorial.
- s.lso is a boolean variable that is false by default. If it is set to true, the Lindblad equation is evaluated using superoperators. This is faster. However, constructing such a superoperator is a costly process in itself and the cumulative time spent is greater than if we simply don't bother. For multiple simulations, it is worth using the superoperator as it does not change from simulation to simulation. So if you are simulating several times with one system, set lso to true.
- There are many practical functions for plotting such as plotoccupation, plotRho and plotEfields. They are all heavily overloaded. Have a look at their documentation to save time.
- Code that is not part of the main loop is written for readability rather than speed. Therefore, don't hesitate to look at what some of the methods actually do.
- Whether you are a student who has just started to learn about the subject or you are already very experienced: Changing some parameters in a simple simulation and then observing the output graphs is a great way to get a "feelling" for what some parameters actually do.
- The system class contains many conversion parameters such as evtoau. You can use these instead of performing the conversion manually.