Deutsch Intern
Research Advancement Centre


When: Wednesday, 28 August 2024; 12 PM
Where: Online via Zoom
Speaker: Dr. Sandra Häbel and Barbara Heiß
Language: English

Networking, international visibility and the development of an independent research profile are of great importance for scientists. This is hardly conceivable without the acquisition of third-party funding. External funding plays a decisive role not only for established scientists, but also for early career researchers. The University of Würzburg is actively committed to providing targeted support to its researchers at all career stages.

As part of its University Agreement JMU offers various internal research funding programmes. The JMU Mobility Fellowship enables scientists (doctoral researchers to junior professors) to complete a research stay of 1 to 3 months abroad. A JMU Seed Grant supports early career researchers with a doctorate who are preparing a third-party funding application for an individual project for the first time.

In this digital information event, the Research Advancement Centre provides information about the two funding programmes.

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How to write an ERC grant proposal?

When: Thursday, 26 September 2024, 10:00 AM
Where: Graduate School, Geb. 21/Hubland Nord, Room 02.001
Speaker: Dr. Andreas Nöth
Language: English

The European Research Council (ERC) grants are highly prestigious funding opportunities aimed at supporting outstanding researchers. The grants provide substantial funding between €1.5 – €2.5 million over five years to enable excellent scientists to pursue groundbreaking research projects.

This seminar equips you with the knowledge to write a competitive ERC grant proposal. You will gain insights into the different ERC funding schemes (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced Grants) and the proposal structure as well as the submission and evaluation process. We’ll delve into each proposal section, discussing its role and how to craft it effectively considering the evaluation criteria and the ERC terminology.

Additionally, you will receive information on the support services provided by JMU’s Research Advancement Centre (RAC). The presentation will conclude with a lively Question & Answer session, during which attendees can directly address their questions, seek clarification, and gain insights from experienced ERC advisors.

Please follow the link below to register for the seminar.

Register here