Research Cooperations

The University of Würzburg maintains intensive contact with partners at selected Chinese universities. To learn about projects and Chinese partners, please click here.


Coooperation Guidelines

The University of Würzburg places great value on sustainable and responsible cooperation in science. In doing so, we follow the guidelines of a wide range of federal institutions for scientific cooperation. For more detailed information, please click here.



In cooperation with the International Office, the China Centre is of course also available to students. You can find out how the university supports the integration of Chinese students in Germany and the preparation of German students for their time in China here.



At regular intervals, the China Centre organises events on various topics related to China. To stay informed about upcoming events, please click here.



KoWinChi Workshop: China ABC Innovationssystem

Legal issues of scientific cooperation with China

KoWinChi Workshop: Academic Freedom and Research Ethics in Germany and China