- A New Focus in English Linguistics: Geolingual Studies
Prof. Dr. Carolin Biewer – Chair of English Linguistics (Project duration: 2021-2026)
- A Structure-based Approach to combat Zoonotic Poxviruses
Prof. Dr. Utz Fischer – Biocenter (Project duration: 2022-2025)
- An Interdisciplinary Strategy for the Innovative Development and Long-term Consolidation of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Würzburg University
Prof. Dr. Daniel Schwemer – Chair of Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Project duration: 2019-2025)
- Das Formular. Eine Organisationsform schriftlicher Sprache
Prof. Dr. Wolf Peter Klein – Chair of German Linguistics (Project duration: 2024-2025)
- Identifying gene functions in honeybees through genetic knockout by CRISPR/Cas9
Prof. Dr. Ricarda Scheiner – Chair of Zoology II (Project duration: 2020-2026)
- Learning from Ethnomusicology and Our Neighbors: Musical heritage, creativity and intercultural engagement
Prof. Dr. Juniper Hill – Chair of Ethnomusicology (Project duration: 2021-2025)
- Planting Future: Multispecies Gardening in the Anthropocene
Prof. Dr. Michaela Fenske – Chair of European Ethnology (Project duration: 2024-2029)
- Studying gene regulation in bacterial pathogens at the single-cell level
Prof. Dr. Cynthia Sharma – Chair of Molecular Infection Biology II (Project duration: 2023-2027)
- (Un-)Erlöste Geschichte. Messianismus und Globalisierung in der Literatur und Kultur Lateinamerikas
Prof. Dr. Christian Wehr – Chair of French and Spanish Studies (Project duration: 2022-2024)
(*Selected current projects)
- A Digital Corpus of the Issyk-Kushan Inscriptions
Prof. Dr. Svenja Bonmann – Chair of Comparative Philology (Project duration: 2024-2026)
- Augustins Predigten zum Ersten Johannesbrief (De epistula Iohannis ad Parthos sermones decem). Kritische Edition des lateinischen Texte
Prof. Dr. Christian Tornau – Institute of Classical Philology (Project duration: 2024-2026)
- Glück als Schlüsselbegriff der Ethik bei Albertus Magnus. Philosophische Erschließung und kritische Edition des ersten Buchs seines zweiten Ethikkommentars („Ethica“)
Prof. Jörn Müller – Institute of Philosophy (Project duration: 2023-2025)
(*Selected current projects)