We support our researchers on their personal career paths:

Guidance and Counseling

The team at Academic Staff Development provides confidential, professional and qualified support tailored to your specific needs.

Together with you, we will identify what issues you are currently facing and will evaluate what you can do to ensure that you reach your short-, medium- and long-term goals.


Leadership Certificate JMU

Modular leadership training programme for researchers with and without leadership responsibility. We offer thorough training that is tailored to your specific needs and will equip you with valuable knowledge and skills to take to your leadership position or will prepare you for a future leadership role in or outside academia. In our courses, you will become familiar with different leadership contexts and will build up a repertoire of actions that will allow you to effectively shape your area of responsibility.


Further education for researchers

In cooperation with many other institutions at JMU, we offer a variety of training courses in the areas of research, interpersonal and leadership skills as well as personal and career skills for researchers at all stages of their careers, from doctoral candidates to professors.

Courses can be in person, online or hybrid and will include synchronous and asynchronous elements. More detailed information on the individual courses and how you can sign up can be found on the course details pages.


A strong network for personal and professional development at JMU