Deutsch Intern
The Fiscal Citizenship Project

Past events


Event date: May 4th to May 6th - 2022, Event venue: Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany)

The first workshop of the Fiscal Citizenship Project took place from May 4th to May 06th 2022. The entire international research team met at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.

As our project was kicked off at a time when CoViD restrictions prevented us from travelling and meeting in person this workshop for many team members presented the first chance to get to know their project partners. Among other things, a guided tour through the historic centre of Würzburg and a wine-tasting event at one of the most renowned local wineries helped to establish personal relations.

During the three-day workshop, sub-groups presented their ongoing projects to the other team members. Break-out sessions were used to work on the different projects and to discuss new ideas. A significant effort has been made to develop a questionnaire for taxpayers in Canada, Germany and the UK.


posted 10 January 2023