Deutsch Intern
  • DNA-Moleküle
Rudolf Virchow Center for Integrative and Translational Bioimaging

Appointment as Professor


Dr. Katrin Heinze, Bio-Imaging-Center, has been appointed as a Professor for Molecular Microscopy at the Rudolf Virchow Center for Experimental Biomedicine at the University of Würzburg as from 24.05.2017.

Katrin Heinze. Foto: RVZ; Schmelz-Fotodesign
Katrin Heinze. Foto: RVZ; Schmelz-Fotodesign

As stated by Prof. Katrin Heinze, fluorescence imaging is a fascinating tool and has become an integral part of life sciences. "We develop such microscopy and image analysis tools for biomedical research with the aim to study molecular complexes in live cells or cells in the whole organ. We combine concepts based on two-photon and light-sheet microscopy with computational simulations, or combine high-resolution fluorescence microscopy with tricks from material sciences. Our newest approach involves designing and nanofabricating modified coverglasses for live cell imaging. Biocompatible metal-dielectric coatings on standard cover glasses serve as ‘boosters’ for different fluorescence approaches, and allows for faster high- and superresolution imaging of biological surfaces. Suitable for live cell applications, this low-invasive approach offers the fascinating prospect of observing membrane receptors and their spatiotemporal patterns with highest precision."


More info about her research HERE.
