Deutsch Intern
  • DNA-Moleküle
Rudolf Virchow Center for Integrative and Translational Bioimaging

Guest speaker: Prof. Janet Iwasa

“Animating Biology”
Date: 03/05/2019, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Category: englisch
Location: Medizin, Geb. D15, D15.01.002-004
Speaker: Prof. Janet Iwasat




Prof. Janet Iwasa from the University of Utah (USA) will be our guest at the RVZ.
Janet Iwasa creates accurate animations to help scientists better visualize and communicate the mechanisms they study. Her award-winning illustrations and animations have appeared in scientific journals, the New York Times, on television, and in museum exhibits. In her talk, she will discuss how researchers can use molecular animation to further their scientific understanding and engage diverse audiences, providing examples from her animation projects. She will also discuss software projects that focus on enabling researchers to create their own visualizations. Throughout the talk, she will share stories of how she took her career in this novel direction and what she has learned about engaging with the public about science.
More details about her research can be found on the The animation lab Website.

Everybody is welcome to attend.

Travel Information

Invited by Dr. Ann Wehman.

