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University of Würzburg: research excellence in natural sciences and life sciences


The 2019 Nature Index is an indicator of the high-quality research output in natural sciences and life sciences at the University of Würzburg which ranks 69th internationally and 4th in Germany.

[Translate to Englisch:] Eppendorf Reaktionsgefäße im Labor
In the the normalized Nature Index the University of Würzburg belongs in natural sciences and life sciences to the best universities of the world (Image: Uni Würzburg / Mindcore)

Each year, the Nature Index highlights publication outputs by research institutions published in prestigious and relevant journals in the fields of life sciences and natural sciences. The latest ranking analyses all research articles published in 82 selected high-quality science journals by a panel of independent experts in their fields. The result shows that scientists from the University of Würzburg are among the largest contributors to the leading international science journals in these fields.

Size is not everything: the normalized Nature Index

Since a ranking based on the absolute number of published papers inevitably favours large institutions, the Nature Index has also published a normalized ranking for the first time this year. The normalized ranking takes into account an institution's publication output in the 82 top journals as a proportion of its overall output in life science and natural science journals. The normalization calculation allows institutions of different size to be compared on the same basis and focuses more on the quantity and quality of the research output.

"We can be proud"

"The fact that the University of Würzburg ranks 69th worldwide and among the top four in Germany demonstrates the international visibility and networking activities of our scientists and is a proof of the outstanding quality of their work," Alfred Forchel, the university president, is pleased to comment on the ranking. "We can be proud to be listed among the leading institutions worldwide by the Nature Index."

The results in detail

By Dr. Nicolas Giersig
