Deutsch Intern
  • Vier Studierende sind auf dem Weg in den Hörsaal an der Uni Würzburg.
  • none
University of Würzburg

Courses and Generic Skills

Boost Your Career

Career Centre

The Career Centre provides students with opportunities to attain information, advice and guidance for their choices on future professions, training and work.

Support for Company Founders

The start-up assistance team at JMU’s Service Centre Research and Technology Transfer (SFT) helps students and researchers turn ideas into businesses.

JMU Research Academy

Workshops and talks for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers.

University of Würzburg Graduate Schools

The four University of Würzburg Graduate Schools offer structured doctoral training in all of the University’s fields of research interest.

Boost Your University Experience

Writing Centre

Courses and workshops to help students enhance their academic writing skills.

University Library

Events and workshops to help students enhance their library skills.

Language Centre

Language courses for students.

Information Technology Centre

IT training courses for students.


Interdisciplinary seminars and talks to help you enhance your intercultural skills.


Additional course of study designed to enable prospective teachers to deal with anti-Semitism in a pedagogical and didactic way.

Teaserbox for additional certificate "Cultural education"

Cultural education

The additional certificate is intended to qualify students in humanities and cultural studies subjects for careers and activities related to education.

Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb)

Attend online classes - anytime, anywhere.

Boost Your Teaching Skills

Professional School of Education (PSE)

Events for teaching degree students.


Enhance your skills as a STEM teacher.

Dr. Herbert Brause Centre for Media Literacy

Media literacy and how to develop it.

KOMPASS Tutoring and Mentoring Programme

Learn how to tutor or mentor others.