Deutsch Intern
Examination Office

Verifying the Authenticity of Documents

The transcript of records is an important document for students. If, for example, you want to transfer to another university or complete a study abroad experience, you will usually have to let your new or host university have an up-to-date transcript of records. Or you may have to present it when you apply for a grant or scholarship.

Since many universities, both in Germany and abroad, do not readily accept documents that are valid without signature, students often needed to provide an official confirmation that was signed and sealed by the Examination Office.

To make things easier, JMU now offers the option to download documents with verification codes from the WueStudy portal. By entering these verification codes, which can be found in the footers of the documents, on the authenticity verification page on the WueStudy portal, universities and other institutions can open the documents directly from the WueStudy server as PDF files. This will allow them to verify that the information found in the documents submitted to them is correct.

The verification code on a document is valid for 180 days from the date the document was created. After that time, the document will be deleted from the WueStudy server automatically and will no longer be available for verification purposes.

Please be aware that following the introduction of the self-service verification function, we have largely stopped issuing signed and sealed/stamped paper confirmations.