Changing Degree Programmes or Subjects
You are considered to be changing degree programmes or subjects when you
- change to a different degree programme,
- change subjects (e. g. your major or minor or, if you are studying for a teaching degree, your Unterrichtsfach or Didaktikfach),
- change your subject combination (e. g. if you are studying in a two-subject Bachelor’s or Master’s programme),
- change the number of ECTS credits and/or distribution of ECTS credits among subjects (Ausprägung),
- add a subject (e. g. Erweiterungsfach in teaching degree programmes),
- drop a degree programme or subject (e. g. if you are studying for two degrees at the same time), or
- continue your studies in the consecutive Master's programme after you have earned your Bachelor’s degree.
If you want to change to a restricted admission degree programme/subject, you must apply for a place and be granted admission. Please note the application deadlines.
If you want to change to a programme/subject admission to which requires successful completion of an aptitude test, you must pass said test.
The application can be submitted conveniently online via Wuestudy.
You can find the application in the menu under “My studies” - “Requests”.
Additional documents can also be uploaded there.
If you want to change to a programme or subject with unrestricted admission, please file your petition after you have been re-enrolled for the respective semester. Please note that you must file said petition one month after commencement of the lecture period of the semester in question at the latest. Please note the exact start date of the lecture period of the semester in question.
If you failed your final attempt to successfully complete an examination or assessment in the semester in question or were granted admission to a restricted admission degree programme and/or a programme admission to which requires successful completion of an aptitude assessment procedure, please note that the above deadline does NOT apply to you. For the deadline that does apply to you, please refer to your notification letter/letter of admission.
Pursuant to § 18 Para. 4 ASPO, an application for recognition of achievements from previous study programmes can only be submitted once, namely within the first semester of study in the new study programme at University of Würzburg to the responsible examination board, as long as the achievements in question have not yet been taken at the University of Würzburg at the time of application. Please consult with the competent Examination Office regarding the recognition of coursework and examination achievements as well as related issues for Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes without delay after you have changed degree programmes or subjects.
If you are studying in a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme, you are considered to be changing degree programmes or subjects when you change a degree subject, your combination of subjects, or the number and distribution of ECTS credits among subjects (Ausprägung).
Please note that you will only be allowed to take up or continue studies in the selected degree programme if you have not lost your entitlement to take assessments in the respective programme (Prüfungsanspruch). Pursuant to Article 91 No. 2 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act, BayHIG), having lost your entitlement to take assessments in the selected degree programme (Verlust des Prüfungsanspruchs) is considered an enrolment impediment which will lead to a denial of enrolment. Should you lose your entitlement to take assessments in the selected degree programme after you were enrolled at the University of Würzburg or should it come to your knowledge, after you were enrolled at the University of Würzburg, that you failed your final attempt to successfully complete an examination or assessment, you will be obliged to notify the University of this without delay! In this case, the enrolment impediment according to Article 91 No. 2 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz will manifest retroactively and will lead to disenrolment according to Article 94 Subarticle 2 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz!