Deutsch Intern
Global Teacher Education

GoTEd certificate

It is becoming increasingly important for prospective teachers to develop intercultural skills given the growing cultural diversity in German schools and in schools worldwide. In addition, intercultural competence becomes particularly relevant when teaching in other countries, e.g. as part of internships or foreign language assistantships.

Through the ‘Global Teacher Education’ (GoTEd) project, student teachers can acquire the supplementary qualification ‘Intercultural Competence’ during their studies. As of the winter semester 2021/22, the Professional School of Education is awarding the GoTEd certificate as part of the GoTEd project. It serves as official proof of the acquisition of intercultural competence for student teachers of all teaching qualifications.

GoTEd Week

The GoTEd-Week is the summer school run by the ‘Global Teacher Education’ (GoTEd) project. It takes place once a year in spring. This conference week offers the opportunity to attend approximately 6 lectures in English on all aspects of teaching. All lectures can be credited towards the GoTEd certificate.


In order to obtain the GoTEd certificate, it is necessary to

  • successfully complete one seminar in English, one language course or one course among further GoTEd courses worth 2 SWS (semester hours per week) and
  • attend two lectures or workshops on intercultural (teaching) topics.

All courses listed on WueStudy under ‘Lehramtsstudiengänge - Global Teacher Education’ (Teacher Training), available within ‘Englischsprachiges Angebot’ (Courses in English), ‘Weitere Veranstaltungen für das GoTEd-Zertifikat’ (Other courses for the GoTEd certificate) and ‘Sprachkurse für das GoTEd-Zertifikat’ (Language courses for the GoTEd certificate) are eligible.

Apply for a GoTEd certificate

Fill in your name in the attendance lists for all GoTEd-relevant events that you attend in order to have proof of your participation/attendance. If you have attended a minimum of one seminar and two workshops or lectures, you can apply for the GoTEd certificate using the GoTEd recognition form. To do so, please

  • Download the GoTEd recognition form (see below)
  • Enter your details
  • Print out and sign
  • Scan in as a pdf and rename (Surname_Firstname_recognition form_ GoTEd certificate.docx)
  • Send the recognition form together with the proof of eligibility (only for seminars, not required for lectures/workshops) to

You will be notified by e-mail as soon as the certificate is ready for collection at PSE.