Deutsch Intern
Global Teacher Education


Sagheer Ahmad, doctoral candidate in mathematics education, will guide you through two workshops about his home country Pakistan (in English). Additionally, the workshop series on Turkey will be continued. If you're interested in learning more about Pakistan and Turkey, their educational systems, and their relationships with neighboring countries, this is the place for you!



‘Global views on the ideal school’: That was the title of the 4th GoTEd Week of the Professional School of Education (PSE), which was held from 13 to 17 May 2024 with numerous international speakers and guests.


We are looking forward to exploring the beauty and chances of diversity at the 3. GoTEd Week. Participation is free of charge. "Lehramt" students, university lecturers and schoolteachers welcome!

Valeria Rossini und Matthias Erhardt vor dem Vortrag 'Civic Education'

The last words have faded away, the pink shirts are back in the wardrobe and the PSE team has recovered. Here are a few impressions from the 2nd GoTEd Week.
