Deutsch Intern
Global Teacher Education

Lecture on "Women Education and Participation: A Sri Lankan Perspective" (15 May 2023, 4 pm)


Dr. Ekanayake and Prof. Senevirathne are visiting from the Department of Education of the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka that has been a partner university since 2021.

What it is about: Dr. Ekanayake and Prof. Senevirathne explain the importance of women education, trends, prospects and challenges after the independence in 1948. The empowerment of women through education is essential for a happy and healthy life at home, the improvement of a society, economic prosperity, and national solidarity. In Sri Lanka, there are enough constitution provisions in place which guarantee equal fundamental rights to women. In reality, women are subject to various issues and challenges. During their lives, they face discrimination based on gender, harassment in schools, lack of separate transport facility, lack of toilet facilities, child marriages etc. Recent developments show that approaches carried out in Sri Lanka have brought a lot of opportunities for women, and women education has changed a lot: Most educational institutions are occupied with more girls than boys, most teachers are women. However, women-related issues still need appropriate attention. We believe that this discussion should start in different platforms. 

Group activity “Sri Lankan traditional folk games” (outside the Z6 building)

Sri Lankan people are generally engaged in various traditional games and sports during their leisure time. The Sri Lankan school curriculum recommends these games (indoor and outdoor) for all age groups. Today, however, these traditional games are fading away and many of the younger generation only know them by name. Dr. Ekanayake and Prof. Senevirathne we will present some interesting and lesser-known facts about traditional games by actively practicing them.

Place: Zentrales Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude (Z6), room 1.013

+++ Will be credited as a workshop for the GoTEd certificate! +++

To the lecture announcement