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  • [Translate to Englisch:] Neue Universität, Sanderring

University of Würzburg

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU), founded in 1402, is one of the fifteen major research-intensive and leading medical universities in Germany, a German U15 university. It offers the full range of degree subjects and, true to its motto ‘Science for Society’, is committed to advancing research in fields that are relevant for the future.Read more

Mission Statement

Internationally renowned, forward looking, globally aware.

Eminent Scientists and Scholars

Eminent scientists and scholars, including 14 Nobel Laureates, have researched and taught in Würzburg.  


JMU can trace its roots back more than 600 years.

Did You Know?

Facts and Figures

26,579 students, 250 degree programmes
484 professors
€198,1 million of external funds generated (incl. University hospital)
14 Nobel Laureates


The ARWU/Shanghai Ranking ranks JMU among the top universities in Germany and among the top 300 universities in the world.


Gruppenfoto der Universitätsleitung Würzburg (v. links: Dr. Uwe Klug, Prof. Dr. Caroline Kisker, Prof. Dr. Matthias Bode, Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer, Prof. Dr. Paul Pauli, Prof. Dr. Andreas Dörpinghaus, Prof. Dr. Anja Schlömerkemper).

University Board

The University Board comprises the President, five Vice-Presidents, and the Chancellor.

What Sets Us Apart

The University in Portrait

The University of Würzburg (JMU) is well-known on the international stage for delivering research excellence with a global impact. This is why it is the university of choice for a great many talented students and researchers.