Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Your student ID card (chip card)
You will not be issued with a student ID card until you have been enrolled successfully. After you have received your card, please proceed as follows:
Validate your card.
To do so, go to one of our validation terminals. Insert the card to have the expiry date and the word ‘Semesterticket’ (student public transport pass) printed on it. You will not be able to use your card until you have done so!
You can find validation terminals at the following locations:
Sanderring 2, Neue Universität building (ground floor): 6:45-22:00 (during the semester), 6:45-20:00 (during semester break)
University Library, central university library on Hubland Campus (entrance hall): during the library’s opening hours.
Wittelsbacherplatz, Forum (room 02.301, passageway between original building and new build): Monday to Friday 7:00-21:00 (during the semester), Monday to Thursday 7:00-16:00 and Friday 7:00-13:15 (during semester break)
Campus Hubland Nord, Josef-Martin-Weg 55, entrance hall: Mo, Tu, Th, Fr 8:00-12:00, We 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00
University Hospital, building D7 (in the basement near the representatives of the student body (Fachschaft)): Monday to Friday 7:00-22:00
Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Koellikerstr. 6 (near the post office): Monday to Thursday 7:30-19:00, Friday 7:30-18:00
Use your card.
Your chip card serves as your public transport pass (Semesterticket), key card for the University’s computer rooms, library card, electronic purse for canteen purchases, etc. You can load money on to your card at a number of top-up machines, using either cash or an EC card.
The first time you use your card to access a computer room, your card will be authenticated. This will take a few seconds. Please wait for the reader to show you a green light.