3. Validity
3.1 For how long can I use my card?
Your chip card is a thermal rewritable card that can be written on and erased multiple times. When you first enrol in your programme and each time you re-enrol to continue your studies, you will have to validate your card at one of our validation terminals. When you do so, the new expiry date (usually the end date of the semester) and the word ‘Semesterticket’ (public transport pass) will be printed on your card.
Your student ID card will have to have an expiry date printed on it to be valid.
3.2 Where are validation terminals located?
You can find validation terminals at the following locations:
Sanderring 2, Neue Universität building (ground floor): 6:45-22:00 (during the semester), 6:45-20:00 (during semester break)
University Library, central university library on Hubland Campus (entrance hall): during the library’s opening hours.
Wittelsbacherplatz, Forum (room 02.301, passageway between original building and new build): Monday to Friday 7:00-21:00 (during the semester), Monday to Thursday 7:00-16:00 and Friday 7:00-13:15 (during semester break)
Campus Hubland Nord, Josef-Martin-Weg 55, entrance hall: Mo, Tu, Th and Fr 8:00-12:00, We 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00
University Hospital, building D7 (in the basement near the representatives of the student body (Fachschaft)): Monday to Friday 7:00-22:00
Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Koellikerstr. 6 (near the post office): Monday to Thursday 7:30-19:00, Friday 7:30-18:00
3.3 When will I have to validate my chip card?
When there is no expiry date printed on it or when the expiry date has passed. This means that you will have to validate your card when you first receive it and each time you re-enrol to continue your studies. Remember that your student ID and your public transport pass will be considered to be invalid if you do not validate your card.
3.4 What will happen if I do not have a new expiry date printed on my card?
When there is no expiry date printed on your card or when the expiry date has passed, you won’t be able to make payments with it at canteens or cafeterias. And you won’t be able to load money on to it.
In addition, your card will not be considered to be a valid public transport ticket. If you are using public transport without a valid ticket, you will be charged a penalty fare of at least €60.00. However, this penalty fare will be reduced to a €7.00 handling fee if you produce your valid ticket to the public transport provider within a specified time frame.