Deutsch Intern

Climate Fresk Workshop

Climate Fresk Workshop
Date: 10/24/2023, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Hubland Nord, Geb. 21, Seminarraum, 1. Stock
Speaker: Anda Iosip

Understanding the climate crisis - 42 Card game to learn about climate issues and find solutions


Take your first steps into climate action at the Campus Camp!

Join us on Tuesday, 24th October at 13:00 in the Seminar room of Graduate School (GSLS), at our Climate Fresk Workshop organized by WueLAB to better understand climate issues! Find out what you can do about the crisis and what is the role of academia in a climate emergency!


The Climate Fresk is a workshop where you will learn about climate crisis in a dynamic and interactive manner through a game with 42 cards that present scientific explanations (based on the IPCC reports). You will have a more in-depth understanding of the physics of climate change and its interconnected cause-and-effect consequences at the planetary and social levels. We will do emotional debriefing and collective brainstorming for climate solutions. 

It's a great opportunity to meet people who can support you in your first climate action steps. 


The workshop is four hours, split into two sessions with a snack break in between. Don't worry, the time will fly! Only 8 places available, book yours now: