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The Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg is pursuing the goal of firmly anchoring Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the curricula of its degree programmes. This comprehensive strategy is intended to establish ESD as a cross-sectional task in the teaching of all subjects and enable students to acquire both subject-specific and interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of sustainable development and to strengthen their organisational skills.

JMU's sustainability strategy (Information in einBLICK)  is based on a ‘Whole Institution Approach’, which was developed in close cooperation with all university groups. This approach is intended to promote sustainable, ecologically compatible, socially balanced and economically efficient development in all areas of university activity.

Integration of ESD in Teaching 

In teaching, JMU focuses on a variety of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to sustainability science. In addition to the traditional study programmes, concepts such as challenge-driven learning, service learning, problem-based learning and project work in small groups are implemented. This aims to promote critical thinking, problem-solving skills and the students' ability to act in the context of sustainable development.

Another central component of the teaching strategy is the virtual degree programme ‘Interdisciplinary Sustainability Sciences’, which is currently being developed. This new programme is intended to reach a broad student body in future. Building on this, the individual subjects can contribute and further develop their specific perspectives on sustainability.

Support for teachers and networking of ESD stakeholders

In order to support lecturers in implementing ESD in their courses, JMU has introduced the ‘Higher Education for Sustainable Development’ subject certificate. This further education programme is designed to enable teachers to integrate sustainability-related content into their teaching and apply suitable pedagogical methods to actively support students in acquiring knowledge and design skills.

In addition, the university supports the networking of all stakeholders working in the field of sustainability. This includes teaching staff, students and science-supporting staff as well as external partners who work together to firmly anchor ESD in the university landscape and promote cooperation between disciplines.

Timetable and further steps

By 2027, JMU aims to systematically integrate ESD as a cross-sectional task into the curricula of all degree programmes it can design. In this way, the university aims to comprehensively prepare its students for the challenges of a sustainable society of the future.

More information and details

These links will lead you to further information about the numerous opportunities and measures that JMU offers in the field of sustainable development. Find out more about our strategy and how JMU integrates ESD into teaching and learning.

Education for sustainable development (ESD) at JMU

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Embedding ESD in study programmes 

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Support for ESD actors

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Further education for lecturers in the field of ESD

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List of courses related to sustainability

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‘Interdisciplinary Sustainability Sciences’ - a new virtual study programme for everyone

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Advanced study programmes and certificates
in the field of sustainability

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Information on ESD
in the university context

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Team of the field of action
Study and teaching

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