Deutsch Intern
  • Stadien der Transformation von einer Raupe zu einem Schmetterling, hängend an einem Pflanzenstil

Transformation experiments

The WueLAB Sustainability lab offers stakeholders from science, culture, society and politics the opportunity to get involved in projects on the topic of sustainability, to collaborate or to initiate their own project ideas.

One focus of the project work is the so-called Transformation experiments (overview below), with the help of which sustainable action is to be developed into ‘best-practice’ examples. Transformation options from a wide range of social and application-specific areas are examined on the basis of scientific processes and procedures and, in the best case scenario, become models. The interdisciplinary approach and working method is the key to success here. 

A major concern is to address both the ‘global player’ and the citizens of a region and to motivate them to contribute their own experience and individual expertise in order to contribute to new solutions for the culture of sustainability.


Sabine Mewis (Individual career counseling, Virtual Exchange)

as well as Dr. Annette Retsch (Head of Career Centre, Concept), Steffen Eichhorn (Program Management Career Centre), Luisa Kimmel (Public Relations, Professional Skills Profile), student employees of Department 2.5 Career Centre.

Find out more on the website of the career centre!


Prof. Dr. Catrin Gersdorf 

as well as Hannah Nelson-Teutsch (PhD-Candidate) from the Chair of American Studies.

Learn more HERE!


Prof. Dr. Tobias Hoßfeld

Insitute of Computer Science, Chair of Communication Networks.

The transformation experiment is carried out by students of the bachelors program Computer Science and Sustainability, contact person is Adina Waidhas

Learn more HERE!


Prof. Dr. Isabel Feichtner  with
Tim Schilderoth (PhD)
Lehrstuhl Chair of the Faculty of Law (Professorship of Public Law and International Economic Law)

Learn more HERE!


Dr. Nicola Oswald, Managing Director WueLAB Sustainabilitylab and Prof. Dr. Markus RiedererChair of Botany II - Ecophysiology of plants

Learn more  HERE!


Prof. Dr. Nadja Simons, Junior Professor of Applied Biodiversity Research, Sarah Redlich, Chair of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology

Find out more on the L(i)ebenswerter Campus-Website.


Prof. Dr. Markus RiedererChair of Botany II - Plant Ecophysiology

as well as  Anna Dävel (Didactics of Biology), Maria Tehresa Dömling (Coordination of Teaching4Sustainability) Emily Schweitzer-Martin (Coordinator of the LehrLernGarten), Christina Specht (Teach'n'Learn Garden), Dr. Gerd Vogg (Custodian Botanical Garden) und Daniel Wirth (Didactics of Geography)

Learn more HERE!

Coordination Dr. Birgit Lugrin, Head of media informatics und Dr. Markus Leisegang, Experimental physics

In the WueMue Transformation Experiment, waste avoidance, better waste separation and optimization of waste disposal processes at JMU are to be fundamentally investigated

Find more Information on Projekt WueMue.


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike ZeigermannSocial Science Sustainability Research Institute for Political Science and Sociology with Dr. Gregor Schaumann, Linda Koch, Marlene Andexinger, Dr. Barba Röbe-Oltmanns and Levi Rhomberg.

The transformation experiment aims to research and test new democratic approaches in order to negotiate sustainability issues in a context-specific, fair and future-oriented manner, taking into account scientific findings. 

you can find more information at Project WueRAT.

Student transformation experiments


Members of the Department of Ecology and Sustainability at the University of Würzburg (RefÖko)


Sarah Hauck and Julian Müller (JMU students)

More information on the website of the Department of Ecology.


Maximilian Elfert and Luis Schuster

Contactperson at WueLAB Sustainabilitylab: Viola Leisner

The transformation experiment is carried out by the students.

Learn more HERE!