Deutsch Intern
  • Stadien der Transformation von einer Raupe zu einem Schmetterling, hängend an einem Pflanzenstil

Climate Café



Climate Café - moving from knowledge to action

As a student project, the Climate Café is a pop-up café that regularly appears at various locations at the university. At the Climate Café, students can get to grips with the complex issues surrounding sustainability in a relaxed atmosphere.

The Climate Café offers a wide range of formats, from discussion tables and workshops to climate games. The scientific connection is provided by the WueLAB. The target group mainly comprises students, but employees of JMU and the student union can also participate and be emotionally involved. The topics are diverse and include environmental problems (biodiversity loss, extreme weather events, flight, etc.) as well as solution ideas and approaches (such as handprint vs. footprint, energy transition, agricultural transition, etc.) in relation to the climate crisis and related issues.

The aim of the project is to increase the visibility of the current challenges and to sensitise the student body to them. Students should be motivated to become part of the sustainable transformation themselves and actively help to shape the coming changes. To this end, existing groups and projects related to sustainability at the university and beyond have the opportunity to introduce themselves and network at the Climate Café. After a visit to the Climate Café, students should no longer see the university merely as a place of education for their studies, but as a changeable, mouldable space that offers opportunities for participation and involvement. This promotes and anchors the culture of sustainability at JMU.

The project will initially run for one year. During this time, various spaces and their accessibility will be tested for the experiment. Collaboration with the Studierendenwerk, the Student Spokesperson Council and other partners will help the Climate Café to reach many students and thus successfully implement the experiment.

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