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Climate Justice: Moderate - Train - Sensitize

The Project "Climate Virtual Exchange: Enhancing climate awareness in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean Area (CliVEx)" is an EU-funded Erasmus+ project that aims to promote intercultural dialog between students from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean region on the topic of climate change. The University of Würzburg and the Career Center are associated partners. The CliVEx project will run for three years (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026) and is coordinated by UNIMED, the Mediterranean Universities Union. UNIMED is committed to promoting academic cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and the Western Balkans.

Project partners include.:

  •     UNIMED Mediterranean University Union (Italien)
  •     Sharing Perspectives Foundation (Niederlande)
  •     Association Soliya (Tunesien)
  •     Università degli Studi die Padova (Italien)
  •     An-Najah National University (Palästina)
  •     Diplomax-Lebanese International University (Libanon)

Other partners in the project come from Tunisia, Palestine, France, Jordan, Ireland, Syria, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Egypt.

One component of the project is a Virtual Exchange on the topic of Climate Justice: From Inequality to Inclusion. The participating universities support young people in an intercultural dialog in which they can contribute and expand their knowledge about climate change and climate justice in live online dialogs and asynchronous tasks and implement their own climate projects in small groups under guidance. The topic of climate justice will be addressed with different focal points.

As part of the CliVEx project, facilitators (online moderators) will also be trained from January 2024.
This further training in the field of communication gives participants the opportunity to deal intensively with communication skills and the topic of climate change/climate justice and to actively shape dialogs on this and other topics. In the training courses, you learn the most important skills to facilitate constructive group engagement (online and offline), which promotes awareness of your own group and the ability to learn from differences. Participants can then practise the newly acquired skills directly by acting as a facilitator in a Virtual Exchange.

Find more information on the website of  CliVEx. (no english version available) 


Further literature