Deutsch Intern
  • Stadien der Transformation von einer Raupe zu einem Schmetterling, hängend an einem Pflanzenstil

Environmental Humanities

The project on Environmental Humanities is explained in the abstract as follows:

The proposed transformation experiment is intended to test whether, analogous to the Digital Humanities, an interdisciplinary Environmental Humanities program can be sustainably rooted at JMU. First steps towards institutionalisation have already been taken, e.g. with the Working Group for Networking Research and Teaching in the Field of Sustainability, with the establishment of the Sustainability Lab (WueLab) or with the establishment of the "Environmental Humanities“ class at the Graduate School for the Humanities, of which the applicant is the spokesperson. These already existing forums and networks are to be used and expanded in order to a) develop an interdisciplinary master's program in "Environmental Humanities", which may even be cross-faculty; b) explore the possibilities for establishing a chair in "Environmental Humanities“.

Find out more on the Website of  Environmental Humanities.